What is 12 / 5 - < 1 / 3 divided by 5 / 6 + 9 / 10 >?

What is 12 / 5 - < 1 / 3 divided by 5 / 6 + 9 / 10 >?

OK, it should be

How many times is equal to 20 (two same numbers) primary school, the number is OK


How many times how many is 20


Which two same numbers are multiplied by 20? Hurry, now

Calculation: 2 √ 5 × 2 √ 5 = 2 × 2 ×√ 5 ×√ 5 = 4 ×√ 5 & sup2; = 4 × 5 = 20
Note: √ is the root sign

Which number multiplied by itself equals 20

The root of ± 2 is 5

What is 80% of a number plus 11 equal to 12

It's 1.25

The product of two natural numbers is 492, and one of them is between 20 and 80. What are these two numbers? (how is the formula listed?) the two numbers are 41 and 12


What's 180 percent


If you subtract 20% from a number, you get 80
Please calculate by formula


Three times of a number plus half of the number is 80.5. Find the number

Let this number be X. from the meaning of the question, we can get: & nbsp; & nbsp; 3x + 12x = 80.5, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3.5x = 80.5, 3.5x △ 3.5 = 80.5 △ 3.5, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 23. A: this number is 23