How much electricity is 1kW?

How much electricity is 1kW?

A single 1kW is only power, not the degree of electricity
One kilowatt of electrical work an hour is a kilowatt of electricity
That is, 1 kwh = 1 kwh

How much is 700k

In the actual work, when colleagues exchange salary, they usually say their salary according to how much K
For example, 6.5k is actually equivalent to 6500 yuan
1K is the so-called 1000 yuan
700k is 700000 yuan (700000 yuan)

What is the relationship between absolute temperature and centigrade?

It seems to be
Absolute temperature T = centigrade T + 273 degrees
Absolute temperature is expressed in K
0 ℃ of absolute temperature is equal to 273 ℃ of centigrade

Absolute temperature and centigrade
The critical temperature of mercury is 4.15k (k is absolute temperature), is it - 269.01 ℃?


What is the absolute temperature

The meaning of "absolute" in "absolute zero"
Sometimes the zero point in metrology can be arbitrarily selected, for example, the longitude zero is arbitrarily accurate
In the centigrade scale, the melting point of ice is taken as the fragmentary degree;
On the Fahrenheit scale, the fraction is below the melting point of ice
Near the end of the 18th century, people began to think that the heat was endless,
But the cold seems to have a limit. Since the cold has an end, then the end is a kind of irresistible
Therefore, Kelvin introduced the Kelvin temperature scale
It is not transcendent, so it is called "absolute zero". This is a kind of "absolute"
The meaning of reason
In 1787, Charles, a French physicist, discovered that for every 1 degree centigrade of cooling of an ideal gas, the temperature of the
The volume is reduced by 1 / 273 of its volume at 0 ℃, which is the famous Charlie's law
If the cooling process of the ideal gas continues, when its temperature drops to - 273 ℃,
Isn't the volume of a gas reduced to zero? In physics, zero means that the gas is finished
It's not going to happen. It's the second meaning of "absolute"
In this case, when the gas is cooled to a certain temperature, it always turns into a liquid first, and then to a lower temperature
It becomes a solid at a high temperature
Kelvin, a British physicist, took temperature as a formula for the velocity of matter molecules
The colder a substance is, the slower its molecules move. The slowest of the molecules is that they don't move at all
Therefore, there will be no lower temperature than it. So the temperature of - 273 ℃ is
A real zero. This is the third meaning of absolute zero
Absolute zero refers to the temperature at which all molecules and atoms of matter stop moving. Motion refers to all spatial, mechanical, molecular and vibrational motions. It also includes some forms of electronic motion. However, it does not include "zero point motion" in the concept of quantum mechanics, unless the aggregation system of moving particles is disintegrated, From the nature of this definition, it is impossible to achieve absolute zero in any experiment, but it has reached a low temperature above absolute zero within one millionth of a degree. All these molecular and atomic motions in matter are collectively referred to as "thermal motions". These motions are invisible to the naked eye, but we will see, They determine most of the temperature related properties of matter. Just as a straight line consists of only two points, a temperature scale is defined by two fixed and repeatable temperatures. Initially, at a standard atmospheric pressure (760 mm Hg, or 760 Torr), the centigrade temperature scale is to set the melting point of ice at 0 ℃ and the boiling point of water at 100 ℃, The absolute temperature scale is to set the absolute zero as OK and the melting point of ice as 273k. In this way, there are three fixed points, which lead to the temperature inconsistency. Because scientists want the degree of the two kinds of temperature scales to be equal, they always change the value of one of the three points to one percent when they carry out accurate experiments on the relationship between the three points, Only one fixed point has been recognized internationally, that is, the "three-phase point" of water. In 1948, it was determined as 273.16k, that is, 273.16 degrees above absolute zero. When the vapor pressure is equal to one atmosphere, the normal freezing point of water is slightly lower, 273.15k (= O ℃ = 320 ° f), The normal boiling point of water is 373.15k (= 100 ℃ = 212 ° f). The actual values of these fixed points and some other secondary temperature reference points (the so-called international practical temperature scale), as well as the measurement methods for accurately obtaining these values in the laboratory, are regularly published by the International Commission on weights
Absolute zero is - 273.16 degrees Celsius
This is the lowest temperature that can be measured by modern technology, but it can't be produced on earth. Pluto has this temperature only because it is too far away from the sun
At this temperature, there are only solids. Neither life nor thought works
This is the problem in Chapter 3 of the eighth grade physics Volume 1

What is the relationship between absolute temperature and centigrade? If so, how to calculate it?

The minimum value of absolute temperature is 0k, that is - 273.15 ℃,
Centigrade (℃) = absolute temperature (k) - 273.15, centigrade (℃) > = - 273.15,
Absolute temperature (k) = centigrade (℃) + 273.15, absolute temperature (k) > = 0,
Draw a number axis, the origin of centigrade is 0, the origin of absolute temperature is -273.15

How much heat does 500 grams of water need to absorb to rise from 20 ℃ to 100 ℃?

Water mass: M = 500g = 0.5kg
Heat absorbed by water: Q absorption = cm (T-T &;) = 4200 J / (kg &; ℃) × 0.5 kg × (100 ℃ - 20 ℃) = 168000 J

Is the temperature of water related to the heat?
Do 100 degree water and ice water have the same calories

First of all, calorie is transliterated from English calorie, which is defined as the amount of heat needed to raise 1 gram of water by 1 ℃ at 1 atmospheric pressure. Calorie is the energy unit of heat, so the relationship between water temperature and heat is that the amount of heat needed to raise 1 gram of water by 1 ℃ at 1 atmospheric pressure is 1 calorie

Kerosene and water of the same mass absorb the same amount of heat, and the temperature rises higher

The specific heat capacity of kerosene is small, but that of water is large. The same mass absorbs the same heat, and the temperature of kerosene rises higher

How much energy does a kilogram of water increase by 1

The specific heat of water is 4.2 joules per gram centigrade, so 4200 joules is required