Simple calculation of 51 / 24 × 43 + 29 / 51 × 43

Simple calculation of 51 / 24 × 43 + 29 / 51 × 43

51 / 24 × 43 + 29 / 51 × 43
=62 and 37 / 43

A simple algorithm for multiplying 23 / 51 by 24?

23 / 51 by 24

4 of 15 * 7-4 of 7? 16 of 17 * (3 of 51 * 16)? (simple operation)

15 * 4 / 7-4 / 7
16 out of 17 * (3 out of 51 * 16)

Simple calculation: 80 + 1 / 7 * 7 / 8 + 71 + 1 / 6 * 6 / 7 + 61 + 1 / 5 * 5 / 6 + 51 + 1 / 4 * 4 / 5 + 41 + 1 / 3 * 3 / 4

80 (1 / 7) * (7 / 8) + 71 (1 / 6) * (6 / 7) + 61 (1 / 5) * (5 / 6) + 51 (1 / 4) * (4 / 5) + 41 (1 / 3) * (3 / 4) = (561 / 7) * (7 / 8) + (427 / 6) * (6 / 7) + (306 / 5) * (5 / 6) + (205 / 4) * (4 / 5) + (124 / 3) * (3 / 4) = 561 / 8 + 427 / 7 + 306 / 6 + 205 / 5 + 124 / 4 = 561 / 8 + 248 / 8 + 61 + 51 + 4

Use the simplest method: 1.25 * 51 ^ 2-1.5 * 49 ^ 2 + 0.25 * 49 ^ 2

Original formula = 1.25 * 51 ^ 2-1.25 * 49 ^ 2 = 1.25 * (51 + 49) (51-49) = 1.25 * 100 * 2 = 250

How to calculate 48 * 49 * 51 * 52 simply

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3.2÷0.01= 6.8-10.8= 51×39≈ 1÷ ×3= 8×125%= 7.2+8= 10.8÷1.08×0= (0.25+ )÷10=
(6.9-3.15)÷0.3×0.8 2.5×(1.9+1.9+1.9+1.9)
3. Solving equation or solving proportion (6 points)
2Ⅹ+2.7=24.7 Ⅹ­­‐2∕3Ⅹ=1/3 0.75/Ⅹ=25/8
6、 Entering life, 1. There are 96 sixth graders of suguang primary school participating in the District Art Festival Competition, three times less than the third graders. How many third graders are participating in the competition? (solve the equation) (4 points)
2. Lianyungang Suning Electric appliance chain store sells all goods at a 20% discount during the May Day holiday. Uncle Zhang brought 4500 yuan to buy a Lenovo laptop with the original price of 5500 yuan and two Lenovo USB flash drives with the original price of 70 yuan. Does he have enough money? (4 points)
3. Rotate the triangle flag in the figure below around the flagpole to form a () body. What is the volume of this body in cubic centimeter? Please measure the data in the figure first, and then calculate the formula
4. Haizhou and Banpu are 20 kilometers apart. A train of passenger cars and a train of freight cars run from Haizhou and Banpu at the same time. They meet 0.5 hours later. It is known that the speed ratio of passenger cars and freight cars is 3 ∶ 2. The speed of passenger cars can be calculated
5. The School Art Festival Competition was held on children's day in suguang primary school. A total of 1200 people took part in the competition. Among them, the fifth grade winners accounted for 20% of the total number of participants, and the sixth grade winners accounted for 20% of the total number of participants. Please put forward a two-step or three-step calculation according to the conditions

4. Suppose that the speed of passenger cars is x and that of freight cars is y;
solve equations:
We get x = 24
A: the speed of the bus is 16km / h

Score ratio 28 / 12 9 / 6 12 / 4 20 / 5 32 / 24 21 / 18 2 and 8 / 6 2 and 12 / 3 15 / 12 24 / 16 51 / 17 100 / 25
The opposite is true
For example: 12 / 28 6 / 9

It can be reduced to 4, 3, 3, 4, 4 / 3, 7 / 6, 3 and 1 / 3, 8, 5 / 4, 3 / 2, 3, 4, arranged as 8 〉 4 = 4 〉 3 and 1 / 3 〉 3 = 3 〉 3 / 2 〉 4 / 3 〉 5 / 4 〉 7 / 6, so 2 and 12 / 3 > 28 / 12 = 20 / 5 = 100 / 25 〉 2 and 8 / 6 〉 9 / 6 = 12 / 4 = 51 / 17 〉 24 / 16 〉 32 / 24 〉 15 / 12 〉 21 / 18

The sum of the three numbers is 51, the second number removes the first number, the quotient is 2 and more than 5; the third number removes the second number, the quotient is 3 and more than 2, find these three numbers!
Ternary linear equations

Let the first number be x, the second number be y, and the third number be Z
According to the meaning of the title:
Y = 2x + 5, z = 6x + 17
Substituting into the equation: x + 2x + 5 + 6x + 17 = 51
Then solve x, y, Z

2 / 5 1 / 2 3 / 7 4 / 13 1 / 5 the next number is a 6 / 49 B 4 / 31 C 2 / 51 d 7 / 55. The reasoning process is given

2/5 1/2 3/7 4/13 1/5
1/2.5 2/4 3/7 4/13 5/25 (6/49)
Option a
The molecular weight is 1,2,3,4,5,6
The denominator is 2.5, 4.25, 49... And the latter is the former plus 1.5, 3, 6, 12, 24