

five thousand nine hundred and nine

1*5=4 2*6=7 51*69=365 5*1=?

1 * 5 = 4 5 * 1 of course = 5



48 + 49 + 50 + 51 + 52 + 53 =? Simple method


If a number is divided by 32, the quotient is 21 and there is a remainder. The maximum remainder is (), and the minimum remainder is (), and the divisor is ()
How do you calculate it

A number divided by 32 has a quotient of 21 and a remainder
The maximum remainder is (31), [remainder is less than divisor]
The divisor is (703), [32 × 21 + 31 = 703]
The minimum remainder is (1), and the divisor is (673) [32 × 21 + 1 = 673]

When a number is divided by 35, the quotient is 21. When the remainder is the largest, the divisor is ()
When a number is divided by 18, the minimum remainder is 19 () right or wrong

The maximum remainder is divisor-1
That is, the divisor = 35 * 21 + 34 = 769
When a number is divided by 18, the minimum remainder is 19 (wrong)
The minimum is 17

If a number is divided by 512, the quotient is 21 and the remainder is 192, what is the number?


What is the smallest natural number that is a multiple of 3 and 7 and the remainder of 5 is 4


There is a natural number "X". The remainder of dividing by 3 is 2. The remainder of dividing by 4 is 3. What is the remainder of dividing "X" by 12?

If there are two natural numbers divided by 13, the remainder is 7 and 9 respectively, then the sum of these two numbers divided by 13 should be 7______ .

Let these two numbers be 13A + 5 and 13b + 9 respectively, (13a + 7) + (13b + 9) = 13A + 13b + 16, since the first three terms can be divisible by 13, then the remainder is: 16 △ 13 = 1 3. Answer: the sum of these two numbers divided by 13 should be 3