Calculation. 400 - (1300 △ 65 + 35) 40 - (3.5-2.75 + 0.86) (200 + 350) △ 11 × 38 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 720 - (750 △ 15 + 248)

Calculation. 400 - (1300 △ 65 + 35) 40 - (3.5-2.75 + 0.86) (200 + 350) △ 11 × 38 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 720 - (750 △ 15 + 248)

(1)400-(1300÷65+35)=400-(20+35)=400-55=345;(2)40-(3.5-2.75+0.86)=40-(0.75+0.86)=40-1.61=38.39;(3)(200+350)÷11×38       =550÷11×38=50×38=1900...

Simple calculation of 400-1 (1300 △ 65 + 35)

Divide 65 into 13 * 5

500 / [(400-30) * 5] calculated by a simple method


How to calculate 72 + 128 * 15

72 + 64 * 30 is not enough

1. When a number greater than 1 is removed from 69136216, the remainder is a, a + 2, and a + 3 respectively. What is the natural number?
2. If the sum of the three remainders obtained by removing 63, 91129 from natural number n is 25, then n=

136-2 = 134216-4 = 212, if you can divide 69134212 at the same time, 134-69 = 65212-134 = 78212-69 = 143, the greatest common divisor of these three numbers is 13, so the natural number is 13, and the remainder after removing 69136216 is 468.2

A number closest to 2000 is divided by 3 to 2, divided by 5 to 3, divided by 7 to 1?

It's 2003

How many numbers are there in the range of 2000

The least common multiple of 8,9,7 is 504
So the minimum number is 504-5 = 499
So there are 4999981996
I'm a teacher. Thank you

How many natural numbers are there in 2000, divided by 3 to 2, divided by 5 to 1, divided by 7 to 3?

3*5*7=10535/3=11…… 2;21/5=4…… 1;15/7=2…… 1;35+21+15*3=56+45=101101+105n=2000n=(2000-101)/105=18…… So there are 19 101 + 105N (n = 0-18), the smallest is: 101 + 105 * 0 = 101, the largest is: 101 + 105 * 18 = 1991. The results are as follows: the number of serial numbers / 3-odd / 5-odd / 7-odd 1101 is 33-odd-2 is 20-odd-1 is 14-odd-32206 is 68-odd-2 is 41-odd-1 is 29-odd-33311 is 103-odd-2 is 62-odd-1 is 44-odd-34416 is 138-odd-2 is 83-odd-1 is 59-odd-35521 is 173-odd-2 is 104-odd-1 is 74-odd-36626 is 208-odd-2-odd-125-odd-1 is 89-odd-37731 is 243-odd-2 is 146-odd-1 More than 104, 38836, 278, 2, 167, 1, 119, 39941, 313, 2, 188, 1, 134, 3101046, 348, 2, 209, 1, 149, 3111151, 383, 2, 230, 1, 164, 3121256, 418, 2, 251, 1, 179, 3131361, 453, 272, 1, 194, 3141466, 488, 2, 293, 1, 209, 3151571, 523, 1, 224, 3161676, 558, 2, 335, 1, 239, 3171781, 593, 2 356 more than 1 get 254 more than 3181886 more than 628 more than 2 get 377 more than 1 get 269 more than 3191991 get 663 more than 2 get 398 more than 1 get 284 more than 3

A number between 1500 and 2000, divided by 5 to 3, divided by 8 to 1, divided by 9 to 5, what is the number?

1553 or 1913

A number divided by 12, the quotient is 23, and there is a remainder. What is the maximum and minimum of this number?

The remainder must be smaller than the divisor, that is, the maximum remainder is 11 and the minimum is 1
Maximum: 12 * 23 + 11 = 287
Minimum: 12 * 23 + 1 = 277