How much is five fourths divided by three thirty-five? How much is seven thirty-eight divided by two fifty-seven

How much is five fourths divided by three thirty-five? How much is seven thirty-eight divided by two fifty-seven

The first is 175 out of 42, and the second is 399 out of 76

The sum of 37 and 35 / 2 plus 35 and 37 / 2 divided by the sum of 35 / 7 plus 37 / 7

The original formula = {[(37 × 35 + 2) / 35] + [(35 × 37 + 2) / 37]} △ [(7 / 35) + (7 / 37)]

27 out of 36, 45 out of 100, 20 out of 12, and 33 out of 21


There are seven days in a week and 31 days in March. How many more days are there in a few weeks?

31 △ 7 = 4 (weeks) A: March is four weeks, three more days

There are seven days in a week and 31 days in October. How many weeks and days?

31 △ 7 = 4 (weeks) A: seven days a week, 31 days in October, four weeks and three days

15 minutes () 2. 7 days () 3. 24 hours () 4. 10 days ()

15 minutes, 7 days, 24 hours, 10 days

15 minutes, seven days, three months, twenty-four hours, ten days and twelve months
Just one word in brackets!

Carving, week, quarter, day, ten day, year

How many weeks and days are there in 2009?
How much is it?

By December 31, 2009, it will be 52 weeks and 4 days

Why are there seven days a week?

Nowadays, the system of seven days a week is commonly used all over the world. This system was first formulated by Constantine the great. He officially declared seven days a week on March 7, 321. This system has been in use today. The English names of seven days a week are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
These names originated in Babylon. From the 7th to 6th century BC, Babylonians had a week system. They divided a month into four weeks, seven days a week. The Babylonians built seven star altars to worship the star God. The Seven Star altars were divided into seven layers, each layer had a star God. From top to bottom, there were seven gods: sun, moon, fire, water, wood, gold and earth, Therefore, a God is sacrificed every day, and every day is named after a God: Shamash, the sun god, is in charge of Sunday, which is called sun shining day; sin, the moon god, is in charge of Monday, which is called moon shining day; nerga, the Mars God, is in charge of Tuesday, which is called fire shining day; Naboo, the mercury God, is in charge of Wednesday, which is called water shining day; Marduk, the Jupiter God, is in charge of Thursday, which is called wood shining day; Ishtar, the Venus God, is in charge of Friday, The Saturnian God Ninurta is in charge of Saturday, which is called Earth shine day
The ancient Romans named seven days a week after their own gods: sun's day, moon's day, Mars day, mercury day, Jupiter day, Venus day, After the name Saturn's day came to Britain, the Anglo Saxons changed four of them with the names of their own gods, replacing Mars's day, Mercury's day, Jupiter's day and Venus's day with Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday respectively- day.Tuesday From Tiu, It is the God of war of the Anglo Saxon people; Wednesday comes from woden, which is the highest god, also known as the LORD God; Thursday comes from Thor, which is the God of thunder; Friday comes from Frigg, which is the goddess of love, Friday, Sunday

Fill in a word in brackets to indicate a very long time () a very short time day time seven days time ten days time past time

It means a long time
Very short time
Time of day
Seven day time week
Ten days is ten days
Past time