How to convert degrees, minutes and seconds

How to convert degrees, minutes and seconds

1 degree = 60 minutes 1 minute = 60 seconds
That is to say, convert degree into time-sharing, multiply degree by 60
For example: 32 degrees into points, with 32 times 60 = 1920 points
When it splits into seconds, it will also multiply by 60
Example: 50 divided into seconds, with 50 times 60 = 3000 seconds
If you convert degrees directly to seconds, multiply 3600, because 60 times 60 = 3600
Example: 12 degrees into seconds, multiply by 3600 = 43200 seconds
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Degree minute second conversion
3 ° 23 ′ 50 ″ x 5 = how to calculate?

Degree, minute and second are all in 60 system. You can convert them into seconds first, and then divide them by 60. For example, 3 ° 23'50 ″ = 3 * 60 * 60 + 23 * 60 + 50 = 12230 ″ 12230 ″ * 5 = 61150 ″, then divide them into minutes and seconds, the remainder is seconds, the quotient is minutes: 61150 ″ divided by 60, the quotient is 1019, and the remainder is 1019'10 ″

How to change degrees into degrees,

Degrees, minutes and seconds are 60
Related topics: 1.105 ° 47 '24' = 105 ° + 47 * (1 / 60) ° + 24 * (1 / 3600) ° = 105.79
Note: it's better to use fractions first and then decimals. You can also convert seconds into components first and then minutes into degrees. As follows: 105 ° 47'24 '= 105 ° + (47' + 24 * (1 / 60)) = 105 ° + (47 '+ 0.4' = 105 ° + 47.4 '= 105 ° + 47.4‘
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