3 degrees 23 minutes 18 seconds times 4 =?

3 degrees 23 minutes 18 seconds times 4 =?

Three degrees, 23 minutes, 18 seconds times four
=12 degrees 92 minutes 72 seconds
=13 degrees, 33 minutes, 12 seconds

There is an 18 storey residential building with 23 steps between each two floors. A goes up the stairs from the second floor, three steps every two seconds, and B goes up the stairs from the 11th floor
Keep going down and walk 7 steps every 3 seconds. How many seconds have a and B met?

54 seconds

What is the quotient of 3 / 2 divided by 60% minus 1 / 8 of 4


What's the meaning of dividing 36 by one in two? What's the quotient of dividing 20 by one in four minus two times of 5?
Please tell me if you know!

36 divided by one in two equals 36 times 2, which is equivalent to saying that half of a number is 36. What's the number?
What is the quotient of 1 / 4 divided by 20 minus 2 times of 5?
Shang 40

What is the quotient of 2.7 divided by 15 sums of 2.5 minus 3.5?
What is the quotient of 2.7 divided by 15 sums of 2.5 minus 31.5


What's the quotient of 4 out of 5 minus 2 out of 3 divided by 2 out of 15


How to calculate moisture content, dew point temperature, moisture pressure, wet bulb temperature and enthalpy when the dry bulb temperature and relative humidity of air are known
That is, how to get the enthalpy humidity curve and how to deduce the formula

Topic and content are two problems
Q1: given the dry bulb temperature and relative humidity of air, how to calculate the moisture content, dew point temperature, moisture pressure, wet bulb temperature and enthalpy?
A1: the best way is to check the enthalpy and humidity diagram. Of course, there are many softwares that can calculate it now, but his principle is to use formula to simulate curve calculation
Q2: how does the enthalpy humidity curve come from? How is the formula derived?
A2: the enthalpy humidity diagram is drawn according to the measured data. It is the first diagram. People have approximate formula according to the diagram and through curve fitting, not the first formula and then the diagram

If the readings of the two thermometers on the indoor wet and dry bulb moderator are the same, then the relative humidity at this time is the same

When the temperature difference is 0, the relative humidity is 100%

When a student used a wet and dry bulb to measure the relative humidity of the air, the temperature of the bulb was 25 ℃
When a student uses a dry and wet bulb to measure the relative humidity of the air, the temperature of the dry bulb is 25 ℃ and the temperature of the wet bulb is 24 ℃, then the relative humidity of the air is ()

According to the measured dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature, we can know the air temperature, humidity, specific heat, specific enthalpy, specific volume, partial pressure of water vapor, heat, sensible heat, latent heat and other information in this state by checking the "wet air line diagram". For example, when the dry bulb temperature is 18 degrees and the wet bulb temperature is 15 degrees, the vertical column of the degree difference of 3 degrees crosses the horizontal column of the wet bulb temperature of 15 degrees, and 68 degrees means that the humidity is 68%

What is the outdoor calculated dry / wet bulb temperature / daily average temperature in summer and the outdoor calculated dry / wet bulb temperature / relative humidity in winter in Zibo?

The most authoritative meteorological conditions in Zibo: annual average temperature 12.9 ℃, extreme maximum temperature 41.2 ℃, extreme minimum temperature - 22.5 ℃, average daily maximum temperature 31.1 ℃, average daily minimum temperature - 8.4 ℃, average annual relative humidity 66%, average monthly maximum relative humidity 8