Simple calculation of 139 × 137 / 138-136 × 1 and 1 / 138

Simple calculation of 139 × 137 / 138-136 × 1 and 1 / 138


Simple calculation of 52 × 51


The simple calculation of 51 - (47-27)

This is a simple operation

137 of 139 * 138 + 137 * 1 and 1 of 138

=275 and 136 / 138

How about 139 and 137 / 138 + 137 × 1 and 1 / 138,
And the following simple operation oh! Don't throw bricks! Will you give me a reward
(9 + 2 / 7 + 7 + 2 / 9) / (5 / 7 + 5 / 9)
1098 △ 1998 and 1998 / 1999
362 * 548-186 of 362 + 548 * 361
41 and 1 / 3 × 3 / 4 + 51 and 1 / 4 × 4 / 5 + 61 and 1 / 5 × 5 / 6
382 * 498-116 of 382 + 498 * 381
84 4 / 19 * 1.375 + 105 5 / 19 * 0.9
(96 + 63 / 73 + 36 + 24 / 25) / (32 + 21 / 73 + 12 + 8 / 25)
Beat me to death Come on.

Hello: 139 and 137 / 138 + 137 × 1 and 1 / 138 = 140-1 / 138 + 137x1 + 137x1 / 138 = 140-1 / 138 + 137 + 137 / 138 = 277 and 68 / 69 If you don't understand this question, please remember to adopt it if you are satisfied. If you have any other questions, please send them to me after adopting this question. The answer is not easy, please understand

Simple calculation of 137 out of 139 × 138

139 × 137 / 138
=(138 + 1) × 137 / 138
=137 of 138 × 138 + 137 of 1 × 138
=137 + 137 / 138
=137 / 138

Simple calculation of 139 you 137 / 138 + 137 × 1 you 1 / 138 utilization
Use simple calculation to get the result


Can 139 × 137 / 138 + 137 × 1 / 138 be simplified?


How much is IQ normal? What's the level of 126?

The range of intelligence quotient is generally from 46 to 160, and most people's intelligence quotient level is 100. The international common method is to set the average intelligence quotient level of gifted children at about 130. According to this grading standard, about half of the world's intelligence quotient is between 90 and 110, 25% of the people's intelligence quotient is lower than this level, and about 5% of the people have reached 125

Simple operation: 302 × 99 + 138,
