A study on the law of multiplicative distribution~~~ How to convert (a + b) (B + C) (c + a) and ab + BC + AC or what is the relationship between them! How does (AB + AC + BC) (a + B + C) = ABC change to (a + b) (B + C) (a + C) = 0

A study on the law of multiplicative distribution~~~ How to convert (a + b) (B + C) (c + a) and ab + BC + AC or what is the relationship between them! How does (AB + AC + BC) (a + B + C) = ABC change to (a + b) (B + C) (a + C) = 0

(ab+ac+bc)(a+b+c)=abc(ab+ac+bc)*a+(ab+ac+bc)*b+(ab+ac+bc)*c-abc=0a^2b+a^2c+abc +ab^2+abc+b^2c+abc+ac^2+bc^2-abc=0a^2(b+c)+bc(b+c)+abc+abc+ab^2+ac^2=0a^2(b+c)+bc(b+c)+ac(b+c)+ab(b+c)=0(b+c)(a^2+bc+ac+a...

How to divide the law of distribution by multiplication? I remember there are many formulas

The law of distribution by multiplication: if the sum of two numbers is multiplied by a number, they can be multiplied by the number and then added together to get the same number
The letters indicate: (a + b) × C = a × C + B × C
Variant: (a - b) × C = a × C - B × C

Multiplicative distributive law

In letters:
(a+b)x c=axc+bxc
There is another expression:

distributive law
Why take 36 after subtraction as 1?

36 * 28 * 73 * 36-36 = (28 + 73) * 36-36 = (101-1) * 36 = 3600 is wrong, it should be 36 * 28 + 73 * 36-36. In this way, 36 * 28 can be regarded as 28 36, 73 * 36 can be regarded as 73 36

What is the law of multiplicative distribution
Is subtraction OK

Of course,
distributive law
Multiplication of two numbers by the same number is equal to multiplication of two addends by the same number, and then adding up the two products
a×(b+c) =a×b+a×c
The reverse use of the law of multiplicative distribution
35×37+65×37 =37×(35+65) =37×100 =3700
Additive commutative law: a + B = B + A
Law of combination of addition: (a + b) + C = a + (B + C)
Commutative law of multiplication: a * b = b * a
Multiplicative Association Law: a * b * C = a * (b * c)
Multiplicative distribution law: (a + b) * C = a * C + b * C

One quarter by thirty-nine plus three quarters by twenty-five plus twenty-six quarters by three thirteen

One quarter by thirty-nine plus three quarters by twenty-five plus twenty-six quarters by three thirteen
If you ask questions from your mobile phone, just click "satisfied" in the upper right corner of the client

One quarter by 39 plus three quarters by 21
Simple method


One quarter × 39 + three quarters × 25 + twenty six quarters × thirteen thirds are calculated by simple method


Quarter by 39 + three quarters by 26 + three quarters
Please use the off formula to calculate. No, don't hit it

(39-26-1)* 1/4+26*(1/4+3/4)+1/4+3/4=3+26+1=30

Two quarters by three quarters plus twenty-five thirteen by one quarter
