Simple calculation of 36 * 63 + 36 + 36 * 36

Simple calculation of 36 * 63 + 36 + 36 * 36

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How to solve [x / 66 + (x-66) / 55] * 40 = x

Left = [(6x + 5x-5 * 66) / 11] * 40 = (X-30) * 40 = 40x-1200

85% x-159 = 55% x + 3 can be transformed into 85% x-55% x = 159 + 3. What are the principles of this transformation? For example, what are the operation symbols?

Both sides of the equal sign can be shifted, and the sign will change after the shift
For example, when 159 is on the left, the front is a negative sign, and when it is moved to the right, it will become a positive sign, where the positive sign is omitted; when 55% X is on the right, it is a positive sign, and when it is moved to the left, it will become a negative sign

Can 37.3-18.87 △ 2.55 + 19.1 be simply calculated

I don't think so. Or maybe it's like that below
Original formula = 37.3 + 19.1-18.87 △ 2.55