How to calculate 0.25 × 36 + 0.5 × 72

How to calculate 0.25 × 36 + 0.5 × 72

0.25 x 4 x 9 + 0.5 x 8 x 9
= 1 x 9 + 4 x 9
= (1 + 4) x 9
= 5 x 9
= 45

□+○=43 □+△=48 ○+△=55 □= ○= △=

Let □ = x 0 = y △ = Z
The results of solving equations
□= 18
○= 25
△= 30

The number represented by O △ is calculated as △ plus mouth = 33, mouth ten, o = 44, O + △ 43. △ =?, mouth =? O =?


The number matrix in the figure below is arranged by all odd numbers: (1) the sum of nine numbers (23, 25, 27, 39, 41, 43, 55, 57, 59) in the parallelogram and the middle of the matrix
(2) If you make any parallelogram box similar to (1) in a number matrix, is there such a rule for the sum of these nine numbers;
(3) Can the sum of the nine numbers be equal to 1998? 20051017? If yes, please write down the smallest one of the nine numbers. If not, please give the reason

(1) The sum of nine numbers in a parallelogram frame is 9 times of the number in the middle; (2) if you make any parallelogram frame similar to that in (1), the rule still holds. If you don't copy the number in the middle of the frame as N, the order of the nine numbers is: (N-18), (n-16), (N-14), (n-2), N, (n + 2), (n + 14)