Time in English?

Time in English?

1、 To express the time of "the whole point", use the form of "cardinal word or cardinal word + o'clock"
For example, 8:00 = it's eight. (or it's eight o'clock.)
2、 It means "after a few minutes (within 30 minutes)"
For example, 9:20 = it's twenty past nine
3、 It means "a few points to a few points (no more than 30 points)", using "minutes + to + whole point
4:50 = it's ten to five
4、 The simplest expression of hour in English is the same as that in Chinese
11:10 = it's eleven ten
In English, half is often used to replace third (30 points), and a quarter is used to replace fifth (15 points)
6:30=It’s half past six .=It’s six thirty .
3:45=It’s a quarter to four .=It’s three forty-five .
What time is it? What's the time

Time table answer 1:05 1:10 1:20 1:25 1:30 1:35 1:40 1:50 1:55

one past five
one past ten
one past twenty
one past twenty five
one past thirty five
twenty to two
ten to two
five to two
How can I hope to adopt it