The oil yield of rapeseed is 42%, how many kilograms of rapeseed is needed to extract 200 kilograms of rapeseed oil

The oil yield of rapeseed is 42%, how many kilograms of rapeseed is needed to extract 200 kilograms of rapeseed oil

Rapeseed = 200 △ 42% ≈ 476kg

The oil yield of rapeseed is 42%?
Just talk about it

The oil yield is 42%, that is, the weight of the oil accounts for 42% of the rapeseed, so the weight of the rapeseed is unit "1". If you know that the weight of the rapeseed is 2100 kg, if you calculate the rapeseed, you will find the unit "1". So by division, you know that 42% of a number is 2100, and you can calculate this number

1. The oil yield of some kind of rapeseed is 33%. How many kilogram of rapeseed is needed to extract 100 kilogram of rapeseed oil at least
2. Master Li processes 200 parts, 4 of which are rejected after inspection. What's the qualified rate? According to this calculation, 700 parts are processed, and how many are unqualified
3. Xiaohong's father deposits 5000 yuan into the bank for current savings, and the monthly interest rate is 0.60%. After four months, how many yuan can he get after tax interest? How many yuan can he get back the principal and interest?

1. 2. The qualified rate is (200-4) × 200 × 100% = 98%; if 700 parts are processed, the unqualified ones are 700 × (1-98%) = 14. 3. If the compound interest is not calculated, the after tax interest will be 5000 × 0.60% × 4 = 120 yuan after 4 months; the principal and interest can be recovered

The oil yield of rapeseed is 42%. How many kilograms of rapeseed is needed for an oil mill to extract 2100 kilograms of rapeseed oil?

2100 / 42% = 2100 / 0.42 = 5000 (kg), a: 5000 kg of rapeseed is required