·Find the sum of all two digits divided by 4 and 1 (using tolerance formula)

·Find the sum of all two digits divided by 4 and 1 (using tolerance formula)

Divide by 4 to get two digits of 1: 13,17,..., 97
The smallest one is 13, the largest one is 97, and the tolerance is 4
There are (97 - 13) / 4 + 1 = 21 + 1 = 22
Sum of all two digits divided by 4 and 1: (13 + 97) * 22 / 2 = 1210

Divide a number by three to make one, divide it by five to make two, and find the number
The result is 52, but what's the formula?

So this number is the common multiple of 3,5 + 7
It's 15N + 7
When n = 1, it is 22
When n = 2, it is 37
When n = 3, it is 52

A number divided by 5 more than 2, divided by 6 less than 2, divided by 7 less than 3, what is the minimum number? Find the formula

Divided by [6,7] = 42, 4

What is the minimum number of a number divided by 4 to 1, divided by 5 to 3, divided by 6 to 5? What formula can be directly calculated?

Because a number is divided by four to make one, the bits are 5, 3, 9 and 7
And because dividing by 5 leaves 3, the bits are 3 and 8
And because it is divided by 6 to leave 5, the bits are 1, 7, 3, 9
So the number of bits is three
If you try again, you can get 53. There is no formula that can be calculated directly. You can try the above method when answering the application questions