Does the iron absorption of magnet violate the law of conservation of energy? A piece of iron moves under the attraction of a magnet. Is the energy of the magnet converted into the kinetic energy of the iron? If so, why does the "magnetic force" of the magnet not gradually decrease?

Does the iron absorption of magnet violate the law of conservation of energy? A piece of iron moves under the attraction of a magnet. Is the energy of the magnet converted into the kinetic energy of the iron? If so, why does the "magnetic force" of the magnet not gradually decrease?

Now let's imagine an ideal state: put an iron block and a magnet on a very smooth table (that is, the iron block and the magnet are free from resistance). Under the magnetic force of the magnet, the iron block and the magnet move towards each other. If we consider the two as a whole, the energy is in accordance with the law of conservation

Does the magnetic energy of permanent magnet violate the law of conservation of energy?
For example, when a permanent magnet pulls an object over, the object generates mechanical energy, but the magnetic energy of the permanent magnet does not decrease (maybe a very small amount, and it will be exhausted after tens of millions of years, almost negligible). Then, does the mechanical energy generated out of thin air violate the law of conservation of energy?

When you take an object away from a magnet, you do work on the magnet to overcome its attraction. This energy is stored in the magnet's magnetic field

Does the law of conservation of energy apply to magnets?
If I bring two magnets close to each other, if the same magnetic pole is close to each other, under the action of attraction, the two magnets accelerate, close to each other, and pull together. But in this process, except for the work I push the magnets, there is no external force to do work on the two magnets, and when the two magnets are close to a certain distance, they will accelerate automatically, that is, their kinetic energy increases, At this time, there is no external force to do work on the two magnets, so in this case, where does the increased energy of the two magnets come from?

Is there an essential difference between the attraction between two magnets and that between two celestial bodies
Then you say that when an object falls from a high place, the speed increases, where is the energy source? It's potential energy
The principle of magnets is the same. The potential energy between them is small and converted into kinetic energy