What is the specific process of wind power generation?

What is the specific process of wind power generation?

The wind turbine uses the wind energy to drive the blades to rotate and generate kinetic energy. The kinetic energy is converted into electric energy by the generator. Then the electric energy is output to the transformer station, and finally connected to the grid

Ask the prawns about the energy conversion of wind power generation in the process of a car moving,
Now many people say, install a wind power generator on the car, so that the wind energy of the car on the way can be collected and converted into electric energy
However, if the wind energy is only converted into electric energy while driving, the car has to overcome the wind energy to do work. The energy converted by the wind turbine is actually consumed by the car itself,
Excuse me, right?
Premise: only when the car is in motion, the wind turbine will be started for energy conversion