The circuit in which the current comes out of the positive pole of the power supply and directly returns to the negative pole of the power supply without passing through the electric appliance is called the circuit

The circuit in which the current comes out of the positive pole of the power supply and directly returns to the negative pole of the power supply without passing through the electric appliance is called the circuit

short circuit

Examples of mutual transformation of various forms of energy

When you go upstairs, kinetic energy is converted into gravitational potential energy, while when you go downstairs, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy
Electric motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, while generators do the opposite
Wait a minute

Energy transformation and energy transfer
What is the difference between the two approaches

Transformation is the change of the nature of energy, such as the transformation of electric energy into heat energy; while transfer is only the change of the distribution of energy, that is, the energy is transferred from one place to another, and the nature of energy remains unchanged. For example, heat conduction is the transfer of heat energy from one object to another

How is the heat energy on earth converted into other forms of energy?
It seems that all forms of energy on the earth will eventually be converted into heat energy. Can room temperature heat energy be converted into other forms of energy? (within 50 ℃), for example~

Heat energy is dissipative energy. Other energy can be completely transformed into heat energy, but heat energy can not be completely transformed into other forms of energy. This is the content of the second law of thermodynamics. Heat energy below 50 ℃ can be transformed into other forms of energy, and it must be transformed. For example, some chemical reactions can only be produced at a slightly higher temperature (endothermic reaction), At this time, heat energy is converted into chemical energy