The rated power of a certain type of automobile engine is 60kW, and the resistance when driving on the horizontal road is 1800n. What is the uniform speed of the automobile under the rated power of the engine? Under the same resistance, if the driving speed is 54km / h, what is the actual power of the engine?

The rated power of a certain type of automobile engine is 60kW, and the resistance when driving on the horizontal road is 1800n. What is the uniform speed of the automobile under the rated power of the engine? Under the same resistance, if the driving speed is 54km / h, what is the actual power of the engine?

According to P = FV, f = f, the constant speed of the car under the rated power: v = pf = 600001800 M / S = 1003 M / S = 120 km / h. When the car speed is: V '= 54 km / h = 15 m / s, the actual power of the engine: P = FV' = FV '= 1800 × 15 W = 27000 w = 27 kW. A: the constant speed of the car under the rated power of the engine is 120 km / h; the actual power of the engine is 27 kW

The rated power of a certain type of automobile engine is 60kW, and the resistance on the horizontal road is 1800n
1. Find the maximum speed of the car; 2, the traction of the car when the speed is 15m / s

1.v=P/f=60000/1800=100/3 m/s