A hydrogen fueled vehicle with mass of M = 2000kg and rated output power of 80kW is always blocked by 0.1 times of the vehicle weight when driving on a straight road. If the vehicle starts from standstill with uniform acceleration, the acceleration is a = 1m / S ^ 2. After reaching the rated output power, the vehicle keeps the power unchanged and accelerates for 800m, The results are as follows: (1) the maximum driving speed of the car; (2) the speed at the end of the starting phase of the car with uniform acceleration; (3) the instantaneous power of the car's traction force when the speed is 5m / S; (4) the acceleration when the speed is 32m / S; (5) the time taken for the car to reach the maximum driving speed from standstill

A hydrogen fueled vehicle with mass of M = 2000kg and rated output power of 80kW is always blocked by 0.1 times of the vehicle weight when driving on a straight road. If the vehicle starts from standstill with uniform acceleration, the acceleration is a = 1m / S ^ 2. After reaching the rated output power, the vehicle keeps the power unchanged and accelerates for 800m, The results are as follows: (1) the maximum driving speed of the car; (2) the speed at the end of the starting phase of the car with uniform acceleration; (3) the instantaneous power of the car's traction force when the speed is 5m / S; (4) the acceleration when the speed is 32m / S; (5) the time taken for the car to reach the maximum driving speed from standstill

(4) Results: F = P / V3 = 80000 / 32 = 2500n; resultant force = f-f = 500N; A1 = 0.25m / (s * s)
(5) In the stage of uniform acceleration, T1 = V / a = 20s;
In the variable acceleration stage, pT2 = ek1-ek2 + f * s;
That is, 80000 * T2 = 2000 / 2 * 40 * 40-2000 / 2 * 20 * 20 + 2000 * 10 * 0.1 * 800; if you don't bring straw paper, you can count it yourself!

The rated power of the car is 80kW when driving on the horizontal straight road, the resistance of the car is 2500n, and the mass of the car is 2000kg
When the speed of the car is 18m / s, it is the instantaneous power of the car

If driving at a constant speed, P = FV = FV = 45000w
For constant power driving, P = 80kW
If there are no above two conditions, then P

The rated power of the car is 80kW when driving on the horizontal straight road. The resistance of the car is 2500n and the weight of the car is 2000kg
2. The acceleration of the car at the speed of 5 m / S 3. When the acceleration of the car is 0.75 m / S2, the power P used in 2 and 3 is the rated power. Why?

If this is the case, then the condition is not clear, and the condition of "driving at rated power" should be added
However, in practice, if there is a problem in setting conditions, it should be dealt with according to the general situation
Generally, there are two models in the problem of automobile starting: uniform acceleration starting and rated power starting. From the topic itself, we can see that this topic should be started with rated power, that is, power P is rated power

The maximum speed of a car with rated power of 80kW on a straight road is 20m / s, and the mass of the car is 2T if the car starts to stand still

Detailed analysis: (1) when the maximum speed is reached, the traction is equal to the resistance, so there are: F = f = P / Vmax = 80 × 1000 / 20 = 4000N; (2) at the end of 3S, the speed of the car is v = at = 2 × 3 = 6m / S; at this time, the traction is f = f Ma = 4000 2 × 10 × 2 = 8000n; the instantaneous power of the car is p = FV = 8000 × 6