How to convert the calorific value unit of coal "kcal" to kJ / kg?

How to convert the calorific value unit of coal "kcal" to kJ / kg?

1 kcal (kcal) = 4185.851820846 joules
It's about 1 kcal / kg = 4.185851820846 kJ / kg

The calorific value of coal is 22.3mj/kg. How many kcal is it after conversion? How to calculate it? I want to know how to calculate it. For example, what is the meaning of 5000 kcal coal sold in our general market?
1 kcal = 4180 joules
5000 kcal = 20.9 million joules
209000000 joules = 20.9mj? Million?
Does 5000 kcal mean 5000 kcal / kg?

1 kcal = 4180 joules
What is the meaning of 5000 kcal coal
Calorific value 20.9mj/kg
In the past, the unit of heat used to be kcal, but now it is Joule

How to convert MJ into kcal
For example, how many kcal is 20.908mj/kg?

1 kcal = 1000 kcal = 1000 * 4.18 Joule = 4180 Joule
1MJ = 1000000 joules = 239.234 kcal

Calorific value conversion of natural gas and standard coal

The calorific value of natural gas is 8400 kcal, and the calorific value of standard coal is 7000 kcal, which is calculated according to this ratio