Who can tell me how much is 276 kJ converted into kcal ~ how to convert?

Who can tell me how much is 276 kJ converted into kcal ~ how to convert?

Kcal, the unit of heat
1 kJ = 1 / 4.1868 kcal
Then 276kj = 1 / 4.1868kcal × 276 = 65.921kcal

How to convert kilojoules and kilocalories?

1 kJ = 0.239 kcal; 1 kcal = 4.18 kJ

What is the conversion relationship between kcal and kJ?

Kcal = 1000 kcal = 4000 kJ

Conversion of calorie, kilocalorie, large calorie, coke, kilojoule, and table of nutritional composition of snacks
I've read other people's reply that kcal = kcal. But I also said that 1 kcal / 1 kcal = 1000 kcal. It's a bit hard to understand here, shouldn't it equal to 1? There's also a table of nutritional components of snacks, such as energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate and so on. It depends on energy or fat content

1 kcal = 1000 kcal = 1 kcal. If the number of calories consumed is equal to the number of calories consumed, the body will not get fat. So you can see the number of calories in snacks