How to make a photo less than 30K equal to 30K?

How to make a photo less than 30K equal to 30K?

Change the size of the picture

How much is one kilogram

1kg = 2kg, 1kg = 500g

How much is a catty of 230 yuan, 40 grams? How to calculate?

You should understand my expression
230 yuan divided by 500 grams (a Jin) = 0.46 yuan per gram
46 yuan per gram multiplied by 40 grams = 18.4 yuan

Ml, milliliter, gram. How many of these units are equal to one kilogram?

Ml is that ML is the unit of volume and gram is the unit of weight
1000 ml = 1 liter. If it's water, it's equivalent to 1 kilogram
1000g = 1kg (kg) = 2kg