When there is only one consumer in the complete circuit, is the supply voltage equal to the consumer voltage

When there is only one consumer in the complete circuit, is the supply voltage equal to the consumer voltage

Close, not equal. But if it is junior high school, it is equal, because junior high school does not consider the internal resistance of the power supply. If the topic of senior high school depends on the meaning of the topic, if the internal resistance can be ignored, it is equal; if the internal resistance is ignored, it is not equal to

Circuit diagram of two power switches independently controlling one electrical appliance (i.e. lamp circuit diagram commonly used in stairs)
I want the circuit diagram

One on the left and one on the right
Then it doesn't matter if the lamp is placed up and down. The main reason is that the switch can't be the same as above or the same as below
This means that the circuit must be disconnected. One switch must be connected to the lamp, and the other switch must be disconnected

The greater the power of the appliance, the more work the current does

It's not right
W = Pt, high power means fast work. If t is also large, more work will be done. If the power is large, the work will be done in a moment, and the work will be very little
I don't know what to ask

The greater the electric power of the appliance, the faster the work will be done

The greater the electric power of the appliance, the faster the work will be done,
That's right!
Because power is the physical quantity that represents the speed of work