Characteristics of electric power in series and parallel circuits

Characteristics of electric power in series and parallel circuits

Series circuit parallel circuit current characteristics the current in series circuit is equal everywhere I = I1 = I2 = 1. In parallel circuit, the current in the main circuit is equal to the sum of the currents in each branch circuit. I = I1 + I2 + 2. The current in each branch is inversely proportional to the resistance of each branch

There are two resistors with the same resistance value. Connect them in series to a certain circuit, and the heat generated in time t is Q1. Connect them in parallel to the same circuit,
If the heat generated in the same time t is Q2, what is the relationship between Q1 and Q2?

When the voltage and time are constant, the heat generated by the current is inversely proportional to the resistance
Then Q1 / Q2 = (1 / 2R) / 2R = 1 / 4
Or Q2 = 4q1

In the series circuit, the rated power, the heat generated more or less, there is no similar law? In the parallel circuit?

Can not determine, to know its rated voltage and rated power, to find the resistance
Because Q (heat) = I & # 178; (square of current) r (resistance) t (time)
Or Q (heat) = u & # 178; (square of voltage) / R (resistance) x T (time)
So we must know that the resistance has little to do with the rated power. The power of electrical appliances can vary with the voltage at both ends, so we can't determine the answer to your question

Is the total heat in the series parallel circuit equal to the sum of the heat of each consumer

In a series circuit,
In parallel circuit