The watt hour meter is a measuring instrument__ The unit of measurement is__

The watt hour meter is a measuring instrument__ The unit of measurement is__

Power, kW / h

What is the technical parameter 3600imp / (kW. H) of an electronic watt hour meter
Let an electrical appliance work alone for 15 minutes, and find that the indicator light flashes 900 times, then how many kilowatt hours of electrical energy is consumed by the electrical appliance during this period?

The technical parameter of electronic watt hour meter is 3600imp / (kW. H), which means that the watt hour meter will use one degree when the indicator light flashes 3600 times. Imp means pulse. 3600imp / (kW. H) is the constant of watt hour meter
The electric energy consumed by the appliance during this period is 0.25 kwh, that is, 0.25 kwh

It is helpful for the responder to give an accurate answer. A certain watt hour meter has 3000r / kW. H. It can rotate 45 cycles in 5min to calculate the power

First, calculate the electric energy W
According to w = Pt
5 minutes = 1 / 12 hours

The formula of electric work is w = uit. Does this w refer to watt or Joule

W is a watt in one joule per second

Explain "w = Pt = uit" of electric work

Electric work = power * working time = working voltage * working current * working time

How to define electric work in physics of grade two of junior high school w = uit?

Electric power = voltage x current p = UI
Electric work = electric power X time w = Pt
So electric work = voltage x current x time w = uit

The heat generated by the current passing through the conductor (Joule's law) is the same as the electric work formula (w = uit = Pt = I ^ 2rt),

This formula is to find the work done by the electric field force in the process of current passing through an electric appliance, that is, to find out how much electric energy is consumed by the electric appliance
This formula is to find out how much electric energy is consumed by current passing through an electric appliance to generate heat
So one of these two formulas is to find the source of energy, the other is to find the direction of energy
Some electrical appliances consume all the electric energy for heating, so the two work are equal. For example, electric heaters consume all the electric energy for heating
For some electrical appliances, not all of the consumed electric energy is used for heating, so the two works are not equal. Generally, the former is larger. Because of the conservation of energy, the consumed electric energy has other directions besides heating. For example, for electric fans, part of the consumed electric energy is heated, and part of it is converted into mechanical energy to make the fan rotate

What are the formulas for pure resistance circuit and non pure resistance circuit?

The formula without resistance is applicable to both pure resistance and non pure resistance circuits
For example, P = UI, w = uit
The formula including resistance is only applicable to pure resistance circuit
For example, P = I ^ 2R, w = I ^ 2rt
W = uit w = Pt P = w / T is suitable for pure resistance circuit and non pure resistance circuit

What formula can be used for non pure resistance circuit

P = UI
W = UIt
Q = I²Rt
With motor w electricity = q + W machinery
Wmechanical = uit - I & sup2; RT
Mechanical efficiency η = wmechanical / wgeneration = wmechanical / (wmechanical + I & sup2; RT)

The formula used in pure resistance circuit in physics formula

r=u\i p=u^2\r=i^2*r=ui w=p*t=i^2*r*t
Sorry, I forgot when I learned it, but these are right. I can add anything else I need