How to read physical symbols? ∝: indicates a positive proportional relationship

How to read physical symbols? ∝: indicates a positive proportional relationship

Proportional means that one data is proportional to another data relationship
One gets bigger and the other gets bigger

How to read some physical symbols
E = Cu ^ 2 / 2 ^, how to read it
C = ε s / 4 π KD?
How to use it,

U ^ 2 is the square of U
Epsilon is the Greek letter, epsilon is the dielectric constant
If 4 equals the square of 2, 2 is the square root of 4

How to read physical symbols
How to read e

How to read epsilon
Greek letter epsilon

The meaning of all symbols in Physics
Now I study mechanics. Help me to write down all the symbolic meanings of Mechanics (or all the symbols of Physics)!

[mechanics part]
1. Speed: v m / S
2. Gravity: g n
3. Density: ρ kg / m ^ 3
4. Pressure: P Pascal
5. Liquid pressure: P Pascal
6. Buoyancy:
(1) , f floating = f '- f n
(2) F = G-F n
(3) F = g n
(4) Archimedes principle: F floating = g row n
7. Leverage balance condition: F1 * L1 = F2 * L2 equation has no unit
8. Ideal slope: F / g = H / L, no unit
9. Ideal pulley: F = g / n
10. Actual pulley: F = (G + G) / n
11. Work: w = FS = GH J
12. Power: P = w / T = FV w
13. Principle of work: W hand = w machine J
14. Actual machine: wtotal = w + W extra J
15. Mechanical efficiency: η = w yes / W total no unit
16. Pulley block efficiency:
(1) , η = g / NF (vertical direction) without unit
(2) η = g / (G + G) (vertical direction without friction) without unit
(3) , η = f / NF (horizontal direction) without unit

How big is the earth's gravity, how to measure it, and in what units?

The magnitude of the earth's gravitation is related to the earth and the object attracted by the earth, that is, it is directly proportional to the product of their mass, and inversely proportional to the square of their distance (or the distance from the object to the center of the earth)
Formula: F = GMM / R ^ 2, where G is the constant of gravity, g = 6.67 × 10 ^ (- 11) n · m ^ 2 / kg ^ 2; m and m are the masses of two objects respectively, and R is the distance
Gravity can be measured with a spring dynamometer
The unit is the unit of force: Newton (n)
Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation, which is the above formula,

Is the symbol of electric quantity expressed by Q

Quantity of electricity
The quantity of electricity represents the amount of charge an object carries
The amount of charge passing through the cross section in unit time
Generally speaking, the quantity of electric charge is called electric quantity, which is expressed by the sign Q, and the unit is Coulomb (the sign is c). Coulomb is a large unit
The electric quantity of an electron e = - 1.60 * 10 ^ - 19 library. Experiments show that the electric quantity of any charged particle is equal to the electric quantity of electron or proton, or an integral multiple of their electric quantity, so the 1.60 * 10 ^ - 19 library is called elementary charge
Electric quantity refers to the quantity of electric energy required by electric equipment, and the unit of electric quantity is kilowatt hour (kW · h). Electric quantity is also divided into active electric quantity and reactive electric quantity. The unit of reactive electric quantity is kilowatt hour (kvr · h)
The calculation formula of current intensity is: I = q / T, q = I * t
The microscopic expression of current intensity: I = nqsv, q = I / NSV, where I is the current intensity, n is the number of charges per unit volume, s is the cross-sectional area of conductor, and V is the velocity of charge movement

Isn't the elementary charge the least? Isn't the electron negative? How can it be less than the elementary charge

The charge is scalar, and the electron is negatively charged. The negative sign here does not indicate the size
The charge of proton and electron is 1.6X10 ^ - 19C

If the charge of an object is about 16C, how many elementary charges does it have
If the charge of an object is about 16C, how many elementary charges does it have?


What's the difference between electron, charge, charge, charge?

Electron is a part of atom, belongs to the category of matter, with negative charge;
Charge is the abbreviation of "charged particle", which belongs to the category of matter and can be divided into positive and negative;
Electric quantity = charge quantity, which is the size of charge quantity and belongs to the category of quantity;

The basic unit of the charge quantity is the charge quantity Q is the electric quantity of the electron

The basic unit of charge quantity is (the quantity of an electron), and charge quantity Q is (integral multiple) of the quantity of an electron