What is the physical symbol of speed

What is the physical symbol of speed

The unit is m / s

*What does this symbol mean
*What does this symbol mean in Internet language

Sometimes when some indecent words are blocked, they will be displayed like this

How to express inch with symbol

Inch is' '

Because what's the symbol?


What is the unit of "MeV"?

Millielectron volt, a unit of energy

People call the smallest charge__________ , common symbols__________ Denotes E=_______

I don't know what the smallest charge is. Let's see if there's any mistake in your question. People call the smallest charge as elementary charge. It's usually represented by the symbol e, e = 1.60 * 10 to the negative 19th power. By the way, I'll explain elementary charge to you. 1. Elementary charge: not charge, it's the smallest charge. 2. Elementary charge is the unit of charge

What does MeV mean

Abbr. [military] medical evaluation vehicle
n. Megaelectron volt

The charge of the nucleus and the charge of the electron outside the nucleus, the quantity of electricity (), the property of electricity ()

The charge of the nucleus is equal to that of the outer electron, but opposite
Because the atom is neutral and uncharged, and because the nucleus is positively charged, the electrons outside the nucleus are negatively charged, and the amount of charge is equal to that of the nucleus. In this way, the two charges can be completely offset, so that the atom is neutral, that is, uncharged

What is the difference between E = MC and E = umev

E = MC ^ 2, e is the unit of energy is Joule (J) m is the unit of mass is kilogram (kg) C is the speed of light! C = 3 * 10 ^ 8m / SE = umevu is also called "atomic mass unit", 1 u = (1.6605402 ± 0.000001) × 10-27 kgmev is the unit of energy: MeV EV EV, which means an electron in electricity

What is the resistance of conductor to current?

Resistance R