Electric work is a physical quantity that indicates how fast the current works. Is that right?

Electric work is a physical quantity that indicates how fast the current works. Is that right?

The magnitude of electric work is related to current, voltage and power on time. Electrician is a physical quantity of how much work is done by current, not fast or slow
Remember to make a difference with electric power

The internal resistance of the DC motor of the micro vacuum cleaner is certain. When the voltage of 0.3V is applied, the motor does not rotate, but the current passing through is 0.3A; when the voltage of 2.0V is applied at both ends of the motor, the current is 0.8A, which is the normal operation of the motor, the output power of the vacuum cleaner is 0.3A______ W.

When the motor does not rotate, all the consumed electric power is converted into internal energy, so it can be regarded as pure resistance circuit. According to Ohm's law, the internal resistance of motor coil is r = 0.30.3 Ω = 1 Ω. When the motor rotates, the consumed electric energy is converted into internal energy and mechanical energy, and the input electric power is p input = i1u1 = 0.8 × 2 & nbsp; w = 1.6 & nbsp

The principle of motion of molecules and atoms
We know that matter consists of molecules and atoms
Molecules and atoms are in constant motion
So, where does their motivation come from?
Is it gravity?
Please answer,

First of all, molecular motion is also called thermal motion. When the temperature is absolute zero, the molecule stops moving. The power comes from collision, from the collision of other molecules or atoms. Other molecules come from other molecules, and finally from a high-temperature object. The high-temperature object has some changes, such as chemical changes, physical changes, nuclear reactions. These changes release heat, In addition, high-temperature objects may also be objects that receive some radiation, such as thermal radiation

The frequency f is the reciprocal of the period T. in physics, if the case of letters is different, will the meaning be different?

To answer the first question first, this sentence mainly means to reflect a calculation formula, that is, f = 1 / T, rather than the actual physical meaning. Frequency refers to the number of times that something happens in a unit time (assumed to be 1), and period refers to the time that something takes to happen once