What is the material with the largest specific heat capacity in the world?

What is the material with the largest specific heat capacity in the world?

Among the common substances, water has the largest specific heat capacity
However, it is not water that has the largest specific heat capacity of 14.30j / (g · K), followed by helium, 5.193j / (g · K), and liquid ammonia, 4.609j / (g · K)

Specific heat is an attribute of matter. Every substance has its specific heat. The specific heat is only related to () and () of matter

Type, state

For a substance of unit mass, the less heat it absorbs when the temperature rises by 1 ℃, the smaller the specific heat capacity
Is that right? Isn't the specific heat capacity constant? Is it related to the heat

(1) different substances have different specific heat, which is an attribute of a substance. Therefore, different substances can be roughly identified by different specific heat. (note that the specific heat of some substances is quite close.) 2. The specific heat of the same substance generally does not change with the change of mass and shape. For example, a cup of water and a bucket of water have the same specific heat, The specific heat value is related to the state of matter. The specific heat of the same substance in the same state is certain (ignoring the effect of temperature on the relative heat), but in different states, the specific heat is different. For example, the specific heat of water is different from that of ice. 4. When the temperature changes, the specific heat capacity also has a small change, 5. The specific heat capacity of a gas is closely related to the thermal expansion of the gas. It is different when the volume is constant and the pressure is constant. Therefore, there are two concepts of specific heat capacity at constant volume and specific heat capacity at constant pressure. However, the difference between solid and liquid is very small, so it is not necessary to distinguish them