Junior high school physics formula

Junior high school physics formula

The deformation velocity V (M / s) v = s: distance / T: time gravity g (n) g = MGM: mass G: 9.8n/kg or 10N / kg density ρ (kg / m3) ρ = m / VM: mass V: Volume resultant force F (n) direction is the same: F = F1 + F2 direction is opposite: F = F1-F2 direction is opposite, F1

The work, power and efficiency formula of force in junior high school physics

w=FS W=GH P=W/t=FS/t=FV

How to find T2 in the heat formula q = cm Δ t?
The specific problems are as follows:
Under a standard atmospheric pressure, when 0.14kg alcohol is burned completely, 30% of the heat generated is used to heat 3kg water with a temperature of 5 ℃. How much centigrade can the water be heated? (the calorific value of alcohol is 3.0 × 10 7J / kg)
PS: I've got the final Q, but I don't know how to get T2

In q = cm Δ T, Δ t = T2 - T1 = t2-5

What is the definition, formula and unit of heat energy Q?

Heat energy is internal energy. It refers to the sum of kinetic energy and molecular potential energy of all molecules of an object moving irregularly. Its unit is coke. The research on the variation of internal energy (i.e. heat) has practical value, but the research on the total amount of internal energy has no practical application value. Therefore, there is no calculation formula for the total amount of heat energy