What letter does quantity use in Physics (and give an example) please help me

What letter does quantity use in Physics (and give an example) please help me

It's usually n

What is the letter of gravity in physics!

G, formula g = mg

What do the letters of physics mean
Good man, help that~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Too many, for example
B. Magnetic field strength
C. Specific heat
E. Energy
EK, kinetic energy
F. Strength
f. Friction
G. Gravity
H. Enthalpy
1. Current
50. Length
m. Mass, spin, magnetic quantum number
P. Power
Q. Heat
S. Entropy
T. Temperature
U. Internal energy
5. Volume
W. Merit
Z. Proton number
Wait, wait, just a few of the most common ones

What is the letter of diameter

D for diameter, R for radius and π for circumference
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