What is the calculation formula of instantaneous velocity

What is the calculation formula of instantaneous velocity

We know that the definition of velocity is the ratio of displacement and time, that is, v = Δ s / Δ T. when Δ t is large (or finite value), the average velocity is obtained. If we let Δ t infinitely approach zero, the instantaneous velocity is obtained. Therefore, a better way to write it is: v = DS / DT, or V = Lim Δ s / Δ t (Δ t tends to 0)

Calculation formula of instantaneous velocity
I'm a senior one now. I don't know whether to divide by displacement or by distance

The concept of distance in grade one of senior high school is generally not used. The quantity in the title refers to displacement, instantaneous velocity = displacement / time (very short time)

How to deduce the instantaneous velocity formula of intermediate displacement
Formula push more detailed point, thank you

This is the middle displacement velocity that requires uniform acceleration
Let the instantaneous velocity of the midpoint be vt
The initial velocity is v0
The final velocity is V1
So V1 ^ 2-vt ^ 2 = VT ^ 2-v0 ^ 2
Transfer of items

Calculation formula of instantaneous velocity?

(V initial velocity + V final velocity) divided by 2