How many liters is 753.6 cubic centimeter

How many liters is 753.6 cubic centimeter

753.6 CC = 0.7536 L
1 liter = 1 cubic decimeter
1 cc = 1 ml
1 cubic decimeter = 1000 cubic centimeter
1 liter = 1000 CC
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What is 2 * 4 / 1 + 4 * 6 / 1 +... + 98 * 100 / 1
In Chinese, how much is 2 times 1 / 4 plus 4 times 1 / 6 plus... Plus 98 times 1 / 100?

Original formula = 2 × (1 / 2-1 / 4 + 1 / 4-1 / 6 +...) +1/98-1/100)
Split term method
and so on

Given that y equals (K + 1) x plus K minus 1 is a positive proportional function, then what is k equal to

Y = (K + 1) x + k-1 is a positive proportional function,
Then the constant term is 0,
That is k-1 = 0,
We get k = 1