How can 10 + 12 move one digit to 11?

How can 10 + 12 move one digit to 11?

Move 2 to the top right of the following 1 and turn it into the square of 1, that is, the square of 10 + 1. The result is 11

The sum of number a and number B is 162.8. The decimal point of number B moves to the right, thinking that it is equal to number A. what is the sum of one or two numbers?

If the decimal point of number B is moved to the right one place, it is equal to a, then the number a is 10 times of that of number B
Let B number x and a number 10x
The number B is 14.8 and the number a is 148

100-102 = 1 can only move one number... Why is it equal to 1

Molecules are constants
Then the denominator tends to infinity and the fraction is infinitesimal
The denominator tends to be infinitesimal and the fraction is infinitesimal
It is infinitesimal when X - ∞ and infinitesimal when X-2

The sum of a and B is 12.1. If the decimal point of B moves one place to the right, it is equal to a, and a is a______ .

12.1-12.1 ÷ (10 + 1) = 12.1-1.1 = 11; answer: the number a is 11. So the answer is: 11