How much is the rated current of 15kw three-phase asynchronous motor?

How much is the rated current of 15kw three-phase asynchronous motor?

Calculate by yourself according to the formula P = √ 3uicos φ

How to calculate the rated current of three phase asynchronous motor?
There is a three-phase asynchronous motor with rated power of 2.2kW, rated voltage of 380V, power factor of 0.86, efficiency of 0.88, and rated current

Rated current = 2.2kw/voltage (380) * 1.732 * power factor (0.86)
The result was 3.89
Under uncertain conditions, one kilowatt is generally considered as two currents, and 2.2kW is 4.5, which is considered as large point insurance

On the rated current of three phase asynchronous motor
Is the rated current of 380V Y connection and 220V triangle connection of three-phase asynchronous motor below 3KW the same?

The rated current of 380V Y connection is the same as that of 220V delta connection for three-phase asynchronous motor below 3KW

A three-phase asynchronous motor, rated power is 2.2kv, rated voltage is 380V, power factor is 0.86, efficiency is 0.88, how to calculate the rated current?

The unit of power is kilowatt
Calculate the current of three-phase asynchronous motor: