Unit conversion, and into scientific counting method 70 μ M = () M = () mm 0.05 square decimeter = () square meter = () square centimeter 200 cc = () m3 = () l

Unit conversion, and into scientific counting method 70 μ M = () M = () mm 0.05 square decimeter = () square meter = () square centimeter 200 cc = () m3 = () l

70 μ M = (7 * 10 ^ - 5) M = (7 * 10 ^ - 2) mm
0.05 square decimeter = (5 * 10 ^ - 4) square meter = (5) square centimeter
200 cc = (2 * 10 ^ - 4) m3 = (0.2) l
Among them, the conversion relationship among micron, millimeter and meter is
1m = 1000mm = 1000000 μ M
1 square meter = 100 square decimeter = 100 square centimeter
1 cubic meter = 1000 liters (i.e. cubic decimeter) = 1000000 cubic centimeters

Unit conversion, scientific counting method
The age of the earth is about 45 million years. The age is calculated in seconds, and the result is expressed by scientific counting

45 million years = 45 million years (multiplied by 10000) = 164250000 days When (times 365) = 3942000000 (multiply by 24) = 236520 million points (multiply by 60) = 141912000000000 seconds (multiplied by 60) = 1.41912 × 10 ^ 15 seconds a: the approximate age of the earth