All units of resistance and their conversion? How many Ω is 1m Ω?

All units of resistance and their conversion? How many Ω is 1m Ω?

The resistance of a conductor is usually expressed by the letter R. the unit of resistance is Ohm (ohm for short), and the symbol is Ω (Greek alphabet, transliterated into pinyin, read as ō u m ī GA). 1 Ω = 1V / A. the larger units are kiloohm (K Ω) and megaohm (m Ω) (trillion = million, that is, 1 million)
Their conversion relations are: 1T Ω = 1000g Ω; 1g Ω = 1000m Ω; 1m Ω = 1000K Ω; 1K Ω = 1000 Ω (i.e. 1000 rate)
Then 1m Ω = 1000000 Ω

How to reduce the voltage of resistance and capacitance? Do you know how to convert resistance and capacitance?

Capacitance resistance capacitance resistance refers to the resistance of capacitance to current. It exists in AC circuit. Because AC can pass through capacitance, DC cannot. The calculation formula is XC = 1 / (ω × C)
Capacitive resistance is the combination of resistance and capacitance, because almost all places where resistance is used need capacitance. So it is called capacitive resistance
Let's first understand the basic knowledge of capacitance and resistance
The resistance of a conductor is the resistance of the conductor, which can divide voltage, shunt current and limit current
Capacitance is a physical quantity that characterizes the ability of a capacitor to hold charge. The following properties of a non-conductive body: when the two opposite surfaces of a non-conductive body maintain a certain potential difference (such as in a capacitor), as a result of charge movement, energy is stored in the non-conductive body. Capacitance plays the roles of filtering, coupling, bypass, timing and resonance in the circuit
In our daily life, there are capacitors and resistors in household appliances

Conversion of salt water capacitance
The following is how to make this kind of capacitor: wrap the glass bottle with aluminum foil, add salt water with the concentration of no more than 360g / L, then add a small amount of oil, dig a hole in the cover, and insert a section of wire into the hole. I want to make a Tesla coil, the voltage generator is 9KV / 30mA (external 220 V commercial power), a total of 6 capacitors mentioned above, 600. Please convert the self-made capacitor into the specification of the capacitor sold on the market. That is, how many farads is a salt water capacitor

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