How many amperes is 450 Ma equal to

How many amperes is 450 Ma equal to

450 Ma equals 0.45 a equals 450000 micro a

How much is 1 Ma? How much is microampere?

1 Ma = 1000 micro a = 0.001 a 1A = 1000mA 1mA = 1000 μ a 1ka = 1000A

How to convert the formulas of a (a), VA (micro a) and MA (MA), for example, how much VA is 1A

1A = 1000mA = 1000000va, a and Ma are cubic, Ma and microampere are cubic

2 a = Ku, sec. If the current passing through the conductor is 2 A, then the amount of electricity passing through the cross section of the conductor in one minute is Coulomb?
How to judge the range of ammeter by the pointer of ammeter?
2 a = Ku, sec. If the current passing through the conductor is 2 A, then the amount of electricity passing through the cross section of the conductor in one minute is Coulomb?

If the current passing through the conductor is 2 A, the amount of electricity passing through the cross section of the conductor is 2 Coulomb per second and 120 Coulomb per minute
How to judge the range of the ammeter by the pointer of the ammeter? First use the maximum range of the ammeter to measure the current of a circuit, measure the reading of the current, and get the percentage of the pointer position in the total range. Divide the reading of the measured current by the percentage is the range of the ammeter