What does 50 Hz AC mean? Is an electrode positive 25 times in a second, negative 25 times or 50 times each?

What does 50 Hz AC mean? Is an electrode positive 25 times in a second, negative 25 times or 50 times each?

50 Hz means that in 1 second, the cos curve of power supply voltage changes by 50 cycles. That is to say, in 1 second, there are 50 positive charges and 50 negative charges on one line. But the voltage does not change. For your understanding, let me put it this way for you. There are 2 220 V power in our home. It is divided into a and B. one second is divided into 100 parts. When 1% of the second, a

Is alternating current in the home circuit? Will the change of current direction affect the electrical appliances?
I see that "in 0.01 seconds of the negative half cycle of alternating current, the zero line voltage is higher than the live line, and the current flows from the zero line through the consumer to the live line. It is precisely because the current continuously passes through the consumer that the consumer can work". Is it true that the current will not flow without alternating current? What's the matter with direct current? When the current direction changes, Can we imagine that the earth and people exchange positions with the fire line, the current flows from the zero line to the fire line, and people and the earth are equipotential?
I'm a junior high school student. Please be more detailed and easy to understand,

As long as there is potential difference in the conductor, there will be current. Different electrical appliances use different principles. Some use thermal effect, and some use electromagnetic induction. In the home circuit, alternating current is used. Generally speaking, household appliances use alternating current. If not, the electricity itself will be equipped with transformer for conversion. You don't have to worry about this

How many seconds is the cycle of alternating current used in domestic circuits in China

In our country, the life voltage is 220 V, the cycle is 0.02 s, and the frequency is 50 Hz. That is to say, the current direction changes twice per cycle (sinusoidal alternating current), and changes 100 times in 1 s

Household electricity is 50 Hz AC, so how many times does the current direction change per second? Some people say it is 50 times, others say it is 100 times. How many times is it?

If you calculate once from positive to negative and then to positive, it will be 50 times. If you calculate once for every change of direction, it will be 100 times