Reading questions and answers_ Fifth grade of primary school

Reading questions and answers_ Fifth grade of primary school

The old way doesn't work
One hot summer, the crow went out to travel. On the way, the hot sun made him dry. He decided to have a rest, drink water and have a rest, so he folded his wings and stopped at a village by the side of the road
Strange to say, the crow couldn't find a drop of water when he found the village in front of the village
At this time, a flower magpie came to me. The crow asked magpie if there was any water. Flower magpie replied that there was a well in the village, but the well was very deep. I had to find a way to drink it. The crow said that I had experience and thought: before I drank the water in the bottle, the bottle was also very deep. If I threw some small stones, the water would rise up
He came to the well and saw that the well water was really deep. So he took stones and threw them into the well one by one. He was busy until the sun went down, but he didn't see the well water rising
The tired and thirsty crow came back to the village and never drank a drop of water. He sighed: "Alas, alas! How can the old method not work?"
(1) Read the passage carefully and punctuate the places without punctuation correctly
(2) Choose one of the following questions and fill in the front line of the passage
① Crow's experience 2. Crow can't drink water 3. Crow can drink water for the second time 4. The old way doesn't work
(3) Use "--" to find the central sentence
(4) According to the change of location, the passage is divided into four paragraphs
First paragraph: second paragraph:
Third paragraph:
Fourth paragraph:
(5) This fable tells us a truth
[reference answer]
(3) It sighed: "Alas, alas! How can the old method not work?
(4) The first section is the first floor: the crow stops in the village for water
The second section is the second floor: the crow didn't find water in the village
The third floor is the third paragraph: Crow and magpie talk about where there is water in the village
The crow didn't drink water in her old way
(5) We should learn to innovate and be flexible in order to succeed
Lingxiao and rose come out of the ground together
Rose blossom, red, everyone praise her. Rose just smile and shake head, quietly scattered fragrance
Lingxiao also blossomed, one after another orange red flowers, like a trumpet. It climbed up a big tree, climbed up along the tree pole, and climbed to the top of the tree. Lingxiao felt that she was in heaven, look down, Huaer grass is so small. She laughed at her friends: "ha ha ha, you are all under me."
The flowers and grasses looked at the towering Campanula with admiration and said, "the Campanula is really amazing." but the rose was silent||
Lingxiao flower listen to the sound of praise, more proud, she said to the rose: "Hello! Friend, how do you have a word of praise, do not want me to pick a cloud for you?"
Rose light said: "although I grow short, is to rely on their own roots on the ground. You rely on the height of the tree, to show off themselves, nothing unusual."
Lingxiao flower hummed a, did not pay attention to rose||
One day, the logging team chose this big tree, saw the sand, the big tree fell, and the Campanula fell to the ground. The flowers and grasses who sang praises for her came to laugh at her again
Rose is comforting to say: "friends, should learn to stand on their own." lingxiaohua ashamed to bow his head
1. The passage has been divided into three parts with "|", please summarize the meaning of each paragraph
First paragraph
The second paragraph
The third paragraph
2. Write the antonyms of the following words
Praise () dwarf () sneer () by ()
3. When "flowers and grasses enviously look at the towering Lingxiao flower" and keep praising, why is the rose "silent"?
4. When the rose comforts the Campanula, why does the Campanula "look down in shame"?
5. What do you know after reading this essay?
[reference answer]
1. The first paragraph says: the rose blossoms, quietly spreading the fragrance of flowers; Lingxiao blossoms, climbing up a big tree, praised by the flowers and plants, and thinks it's great. The second paragraph says: the rose thinks that it's nothing great to climb up with the big tree and show off. Lingxiao no longer pays attention to her. The third paragraph says: the big tree falls down, Lingxiao falls to the ground, ridiculed by the flowers and plants, but the rose comforts her
3. Rose that by virtue of tree climbing, to show off their own, nothing great
4. Realize that can not blindly rely on others, arrogant and complacent, should learn to stand on their own
5. Learn not to rely on others alone, should be self-reliance
Spring is coming. The snow is melting and the ice is melting. The mountains are green and the water is green. The farmers begin to sow seeds. They put maize, soybeans, millet and other excellent varieties (zh ǒ n ɡ zh ò n ɡ) and seeds (zh ǒ n ɡ zh ò n ɡ) into the responsibility field, and also put the dark and shiny sunflower seeds into the fertile soil
A spring breeze, a spring rain, corn came out, soybeans came out, millet also came out. Sunflower? Sunflower with its two powerful buds holding "human" shaped seed hard shell also came out
Bursts of spring breeze, spring rain, sunflower grow high, has five or six leaves. It is like a happy child, growing carefree
Summer is coming. In this growing season, sunflower has bid farewell to its infancy and grown into a "young man". You see, its unfolding leaves are like a banana fan! A little green flowerpot looms on its head. Its flowerpot grows day by day, Finally a wheel like flower. Dozens of yellow petals. Flower pot in the middle is dense golden stamens
A gust of wind, a rainstorm, sunflower swaying in the wind and rain, but its head is always facing the sun
In the morning, sunflower opens its smiling face and is the first to welcome the rising sun. At noon, when the sun is in the sky, sunflower always raises its golden face (P á n ɡ B á n ɡ). In the evening, the sun slowly sets. Sunflower faces the West and says goodbye to the sun
Ah! What beautiful sunflowers! The golden sun shines into their hearts
Autumn comes, in this harvest season, sunflower spent its vigorous youth, and gradually mature
With the autumn wind and rain, the leaves of sunflower turn from green to yellow, and the petals outside the flowerpot wither slowly. However, under the countless stamens in the spray, there are full fruits - sunflower seeds. At this time, the sunflower humbly and quietly lowers its head. It seems that it is time to harvest
The farmers began to harvest in autumn. They laid sunflower seeds, gave the selected sunflower seeds to the state to extract oil, and left the rest for themselves to eat. They also used the leaves and stems of sunflower as fodder. How much contribution sunflower has made to people!
In winter, although sunflower's life is over, its harvest brings people joy
Because sunflower is fed by sunshine all the time, its fruit is full and fragrant
Yes, our children are just like sunflower, growing up day by day in the sunshine of the party
1. Use '/' to draw out the incorrect pronunciation in brackets
2. Find out your favorite four words and write them down
( )( )( )( )
3. "Ran Ran" means slow. Please find three words similar to "Ran Ran"
4. Use "" to draw a paragraph describing the appearance of sunflower; use "" to draw a sentence describing the function of sunflower
5. The author grasped the characteristics of sunflower, wrote "fruit is especially full, especially fragrant" and had Association, this association is very important
6. In what order does the author write sunflower? Please tick in () after the correct answer
(1) (2) according to the development and change of events
(3) (4) according to the order of space
[reference answer]
1、 、,:“?,.”,.
8. Happy is: Dad no longer frown, no longer drink and smoke. Surprised is: Dad to the countryside contracted more than 10 acres of mountains, every morning to work in the dark
9. This paper describes the process of my father's frustration after he was laid off. With the help of his mother, he picked himself up again, contracted more than ten acres of mountain land, and took the road of becoming rich. He praised my father's spirit of hard work and entrepreneurship
I don't love the small toys and the beautiful clothes. If you ask me what I love, I will say to you with pride: I love my Chinese books!
Whenever the new semester begins, my first hope is the new Chinese book. As soon as I get it, I can't wait to read it page by page
Every Chinese class, I stare at the teacher's words on the blackboard, listen to the teacher's explanation, afraid to let go a word
Every morning when the sun is shining, I will sit in front of the window and read the text aloud, once, twice, three times There is no weariness
Ah! Chinese books, how can I thank you? You are like a kind and patient old man of knowledge, who explains to us in vivid language from pinyin "Er, O, e" to profound ancient poems. You take us to travel in the ocean of knowledge, and make us know Andersen's little match girl. You take us to make friends with punctuation marks, and let us get familiar with their usage
As time goes by, five years have passed in a twinkling of an eye, and you have given us a steady stream of knowledge, which makes me know how to read and write. When I write this article, I can't help feeling up and down, and I can't say thank you enough!
Ah, the Chinese book I love, the Chinese book I love!
1. According to "I love Chinese book", "I thank Chinese book", "my beloved Chinese book" three meaning segmentation
2. The second, third and fourth natural paragraphs are all written in detail
3. According to the meaning, find out the idioms and write them down
(1) It is used to describe small and delicate objects
(2) It's continuous
4. Each idiom has the following meanings
(1) I don't feel like reading a new book as soon as I get it
(2) My face in Chinese class
(3) Every morning I read the text over and over again
5. Use "" to draw sentences describing the functions of Chinese books
6. This article is written as follows (tick "√" in brackets after the correct answer)
(1) (2) borrowing things to express emotion. (3) borrowing things to describe people
[reference answer]
1. Natural section 1-4 is the first section, natural section 5-6 is the second section, and others are the third section
2. I love Chinese textbooks