What's the difference between "a number can be divided exactly by 3.5.6" and "a number can be divided by 12.18.24" Urgent ~ please tell us the specific process! Thank you~

What's the difference between "a number can be divided exactly by 3.5.6" and "a number can be divided by 12.18.24" Urgent ~ please tell us the specific process! Thank you~

"A number divided by 3.5.6 can be divided exactly." it means that the number divided by 3, 5 and 6 has no remainder
"A number, use it to remove 12.18.24 respectively." it means that 12, 18, 24 (divisor) are divided by this number respectively

Within 150, a number divided by 18 and 12 can be divided exactly. What is the maximum number?

The least common multiple of 18 and 12 is 36,
150÷36=4…… six
Within 150, the greatest common multiple is 144

12 can be divided by 6, then - 12 can be divided by 6? Why? 4 divided by 3 equals 1 more than 1, then - 4 divided by 3 equals how much more? Why?

Yes, as long as the divisor, divisor and quotient are integers, regardless of positive and negative, are divided
Like a positive number, a negative two remainder 2 is obtained, and the remainder must be positive

A certain number can be divided by 10, 12 and 15. The quotient sum of this number divided by 10, 12 and 15 is equal to 75

The number is 300

How many natural numbers can be divisible by between 1500 and 8000
Find the formula and answer

The least common multiple can only be calculated by yourself
LCM = 504
So what can be divided is an integral multiple of 504
So 1500 < 504 * k < 8000 K is an integer
The solution is 2

How many natural numbers can be divisible by. 24.32 between 1500 and 8000?

The quotient of 8000 / 1536 is 5
5 × 2-1 = 9
There are nine!

In the 501 natural numbers of 1000 and 1500, what is the sum that cannot be divisible by 4?

The problem is to find the sum of 1000 to 1500, minus the sum of the numbers divisible by 4
It is easy to know the numbers that can be divided by 4 from 1000 to 1500: 1000, 1004 1500,
Total (1500 - 1000) / 4 + 1 = 126 items
Sum = (1000 + 1500) × 126 / 2
Evaluation of the title
= (1000+1500)×501/2 - (1000 + 1500)×126/2
= (1000+1500)×(501-126)/2
= (1000+1500)×375/ 2
= 468750

What is the number that can be divided by 12, 15 and 18, and the sum of the three quotients is 370

Let this number be x, then:
X divided by 12 + X divided by 15 + X divided by 18 = 370
The least common multiple of 15 and 12 and 18 is 180, so
X divided by 12 = 15x out of 180, and so on
15x of 180 + 12x of 180 + 10x of 180 = 370
37x = 370 times 180
X = 370 times 180 divided by 37
Is it detailed enough?

A number is a factor of 36, a multiple of 2 and 3, and smaller than 15. What's the number?

36: 1,2,3,4,6,8,9,12,18,36
The common multiple of 2 and 3: 6,12,18,24
It is not only a factor of 36, but also a common multiple of 2 and 3: 6, 12, 18
Less than 15: 6,12

A number is a factor of 72, a multiple of 3 and 4, and smaller than 15. What's the number?

The multiples of 3 and 4 within 72 are 12, 24, 48 and 72, while 12, 24 and 72 are all factors of 48, and they are smaller than 15, so they are only 12. A: this number is 12