A number is divided by 4 to 2, by 5 to 2, by 6 to 2, write these three numbers?

A number is divided by 4 to 2, by 5 to 2, by 6 to 2, write these three numbers?

A multiple of 60 plus 2

A number divided by 3 is more than 2, divided by 4 is more than 3, divided by 5 is more than 4

This number can be divided exactly by 3, 4 and 5 after adding 1, then the minimum number is 3 × 4 × 5 = 60, then the number is 59

A number is divided by 5 to 4, which can be expressed as 5A + 4______ (judge right or wrong)

A number is divided by 5 to make 4, which can be expressed as 5A + 4

The sum of 100 continuous natural numbers is 8450. The first natural number is odd. All the even sums of these 100 natural numbers are ()
It's better to say why

Method 1: because the first one is odd and the second one is even Then the last one is an even number. There are 50 odd numbers and 50 even numbers. Each even number is one larger than the previous odd number. Therefore, subtracting the 50 odd numbers from the 50 even numbers equals 50, so the sum of the 50 odd numbers equals (8450-50) / 2 = 4200, and the sum of the 50 even numbers equals 4200 + 50 = 4250
Method 2: the average value of the 100 natural numbers is 8450 / 100 = 84.5, the sum of the first number and the last number is 84.5 * 2 = 169, the difference between the last number and the first number is 99, so the first number is (169-99) / 2 = 35, then the sum of all even numbers in the 100 natural numbers is 36 + 38 + 40 + +132+134=4250

The sum of 100 continuous natural numbers is 8450, take out the first, the third The 99th. Add the remaining 50. What's the sum?

Take out the first, the third, the 99th,
The rest, of course, is the second, the fourth, the 100th,
The difference between the sum of these 50 numbers and the sum of the above 50 numbers is 50 (because they are adjacent to each other),
So the sum of the remaining 50 numbers is (8450 + 50) △ 2 = 4250

The sum of 100 continuous natural numbers (from small to large) is 8450. Take out the first, the third, the fifth The 99th, and the rest
What's the sum of 50?

(8450+50)/2 =4250

Take 2 different natural numbers from 1 to 100 and make the sum of them greater than 100______ There are two different methods

1+100,2+100,3+100,4+100,… , 99 + 100, 99 species; 2 + 99, 3 + 99, 4 + 99, 5 + 99 97 species; 3 + 98, 4 + 98, 5 + 98, 6 + 98 , 97 + 98, 95 species; 4 + 97, 5 + 97, 6 + 97, 7 + 97 96 + 97, 93 species There are five species: 48 + 53, 49 + 53, 50 + 53, 51 + 53, 52 + 53; 49 + 52, 50 + 52, 51 + 52, 3 species; 50 + 51, 1 species; therefore: (97 + 1) × 50 △ 2 = 98 × 50 △ 2 = 2500 species

From the natural numbers of 1-100, take out two different natural numbers each time and add them to make the sum greater than 100. There are several different methods

Suppose that the minimum number is:
1: You can only take 100 ------ > 1
2: 99, 100 ------ > can be used
49: 52.100
50: 51.100
51: 52.100
52: 53.100
99: 100 -------- > 1
So there are: 1 + 2 + 3 +. + 48 + 49 + 50 + 49 + 48 +... + 2 + 1

Take 2 different natural numbers from 1 to 100 and make the sum of them greater than 100______ There are two different methods

1+100,2+100,3+100,4+100,… , 99 + 100, 99 species; 2 + 99, 3 + 99, 4 + 99, 5 + 99 97 species; 3 + 98, 4 + 98, 5 + 98, 6 + 98 , 97 + 98, 95 species; 4 + 97, 5 + 97, 6 + 97, 7 + 97 96 + 97, 93 species There are five species: 48 + 53, 49 + 53, 50 + 53, 51 + 53, 52 + 53; 49 + 52, 50 + 52, 51 + 52, 3 species; 50 + 51, 1 species; therefore: (97 + 1) × 50 △ 2 = 98 × 50 △ 2 = 2500 species

Take 2 different natural numbers from 1 to 100 and make the sum of them greater than 100______ There are two different methods

1+100,2+100,3+100,4+100,… , 99 + 100, 99 species; 2 + 99, 3 + 99, 4 + 99, 5 + 99 97 species; 3 + 98, 4 + 98, 5 + 98, 6 + 98 , 97 + 98, 95 species; 4 + 97, 5 + 97, 6 + 97, 7 + 97 96 + 97, 93 species 48+53,49+53,50+53,51+53,5...