Chicken and rabbit have 12 heads and 32 feet. Chicken has 12 heads and 32 feet______ There are two rabbits______ Only

Chicken and rabbit have 12 heads and 32 feet. Chicken has 12 heads and 32 feet______ There are two rabbits______ Only

Suppose it's all rabbits, chicken: (4 × 12-32) / (4-2) = 16 / 2 = 8 (rabbits): 12-8 = 4 (rabbits) answer: there are 8 chickens and 4 rabbits. So the answer is: 8, 4

Chickens and rabbits in the same cage, a total of 100 heads, 320 feet, then how many chickens and rabbits each?

If there are x chickens, then there are (100-x) rabbits
So there are 40 chickens and 60 rabbits