A and B start from the East and the west at the same time by bicycle. A travels an average of 15 kilometers per hour. After six hours of meeting, B travels 30 kilometers less than a The solution of the equation is required

A and B start from the East and the west at the same time by bicycle. A travels an average of 15 kilometers per hour. After six hours of meeting, B travels 30 kilometers less than a The solution of the equation is required

When they meet, the first line is 15 × 6 = 90 km
B line 90-30 = 60 km
Therefore, B travels 60 △ 6 = 10 km per hour on average
The distance between East and West is 60 + 90 = 150 km
Let B travel an average of X kilometers per hour
The distance between East and West is (15 + 10) × 6 = 150 km
What do you want to ask?

1. Party A and Party B ride from both places at the same time. Party A travels 30 kilometers per hour and Party B 28 kilometers per hour. When they meet, they are 3 kilometers away from the midpoint of the whole journey. How many kilometers are there between the two places?
2. The express train and the local train leave from a and B at the same time. It is known that the express train travels 40 kilometers per hour. After 3 hours, the express train has passed the midpoint of 25 kilometers. At this time, the local train is still 7 kilometers away. How many kilometers does the local train travel per hour?
Urgent, today, (don't use formula, I'm only a fifth grader)
3. The passenger car and the freight car drive in the opposite direction from the midpoint of a and B at the same time. Four hours later, the passenger car arrives at a, and the freight car is 40 kilometers away from B. It is known that the passenger car travels 50 kilometers per hour. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

1. When they met, they were 3 kilometers away from the midpoint of the whole journey, that is, a was more than 3 kilometers away from the midpoint, and B was less than 3 kilometers away from the midpoint,
A is 3 + 3 = 6 (km) more than B
A has 30-28 more rows per hour than B = 2 (km)
They did: 6 / 2 = 3 (hours)
Distance between the two places: (30 + 28) * 3 = 174 (km)
2. "At this time, the local train is still 7 kilometers away" is not clear. Is it that the express train and the local train are still 7 kilometers away?
If so, the express train has more lines than the local train: 25 * 2 + 7 = 57 (km), more lines per hour: 57 / 3 = 19 (km), and the local train has 40-19 = 21 (km)
3. Freight cars travel less than passenger cars per hour: 40 / 4 = 10 (km)
Distance between a and B: (40 + 50) * 4 + 40 = 400 (km)
Or, 50 * 4 = 200 (km) (half of the whole journey), 200 * 2 = 400 (km)

The distance between the two places is 120 km. Party A and Party B start from the two places by bicycle at the same time. Car a travels 14 km per hour and meets car a after 4 hours
How many kilometers does car B travel per hour?
2. The price of a suit of sportswear is 1440 yuan, of which the price of trousers is 7 / 9 of that of a coat. How much is the price of trousers? The solution of the equation
3. The master processes 162 more parts than the apprentice. It is known that the number of parts processed by the master is four times that of the apprentice. How many parts do the master and apprentice process respectively? The solution of the equation
4. There are two barrels of oil. The weight of barrel a is 1.2 times that of barrel B. if 5 kg oil is poured from barrel a to barrel B, the two barrels of oil will be the same weight. How much weight are the two barrels of oil? The solution of the equation

1. Let B travel a kilometer per hour
A = 16 km / h
B's speed is 16 km / h
2. The price of pants is a yuan
A = 630 yuan
3. Apprentice processing a, master processing a + 162
A = 54
Master processing 54 + 162 = 216
4. The original weight of B is a kilogram, and that of a is 1.2 kilogram
A = 50 kg
B used to weigh 50 kg
The original weight of a is 50 × 1.2 = 60 kg

A and B ride bicycles from two places 65 kilometers apart at the same time. They meet two hours later. If a rides 2.5 kilometers more per hour than B, then B's speed is______ Km / h

Let B ride x kilometers per hour, and a ride (x + 2.5) kilometers per hour. From the equation: (x + X + 2.5) × 2 = 65, the solution is: x = 15, so fill in 15