A and B two cars at the same time from AB two relative departure, the first meeting in 64 kilometers away from a, see Supplementary! A and B two cars leave from ab at the same time. The first time they meet is 64km away from A. after meeting, the two cars continue to move forward at the same speed and return immediately after arriving at the other station. The two cars meet at 32km away from B station. How many kilometers is the distance between AB and B?

A and B two cars at the same time from AB two relative departure, the first meeting in 64 kilometers away from a, see Supplementary! A and B two cars leave from ab at the same time. The first time they meet is 64km away from A. after meeting, the two cars continue to move forward at the same speed and return immediately after arriving at the other station. The two cars meet at 32km away from B station. How many kilometers is the distance between AB and B?

A lot has been done about this kind of problem
Draw a line diagram to see
When we first met, Party A and Party B made a total journey, of which party a made 64 kilometers
At the second meeting, Party A and Party B made a total of three trips, of which party a made one trip plus 32 kilometers
Party A and Party B go through three whole courses, which takes three times as long as one whole course,
Then a should travel 64 × 3 = 192 km
So AB is 192-32 = 160 km away

The two cars of a and B leave from station AB at the same time. The two cars meet for the first time at 32 kilometers away from station a,
Continue the above: after meeting, the two cars continue to run, after arriving at two stations respectively. Immediately return to the original road, the second time to meet at 64 kilometers away from a station, to find the distance between ab. urgent, I hope there is a master who can help me!
Try and explain,

Let AB distance be x km, then in the first encounter, a walked 32 km, B walked x-32 km, in the second encounter, a walked 2x-64 km, B walked x + 64 km. The speed ratio of the two cars is the same, that is to say, the distance ratio in the same time is the same: (x-32) / 32 = (x + 64) / (2x-64) (x-32) (...)

A and B leave from a and B at the same time. After 5 hours, they meet each other and continue to move on. After 3 hours, a arrives at B. at this time, B is 240 kilometers away from A. find the distance between a and B

A takes 8 hours to complete ab. set the distance of AB as l and the speed of a as L / 8
The distance that B completes in 8 hours is l-240, that is, the speed of B is (l-240) / 8
According to the condition of "Party A and Party B meet in 5 hours", the equation is as follows:
5L / 8 + 5 (l-240) / 8 = L
L = 600 (km)

A and B start from a and B at the same time, and run in opposite directions. After 4 hours, they meet. After meeting, a continues to drive for 3 hours to B. B travels 60 kilometers per hour. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

A's speed: 60 × 4 △ 3 = 80 (km / h), total distance: (60 + 80) × 4 = 560 (km). A: the distance between a and B is 560 km