The number of apples in basket a is 3 / 4 of that in basket B. take 40 apples from basket B and put them into basket a. the number of apples in basket B is 2 / 5 of that in basket A. how many apples does each party have?

The number of apples in basket a is 3 / 4 of that in basket B. take 40 apples from basket B and put them into basket a. the number of apples in basket B is 2 / 5 of that in basket A. how many apples does each party have?

Suppose the original number of apples in basket B is x, and that of apples in basket a is 3 / 4x
After taking 40 from basket B, there were only (x-40) in basket B and (3 / 4x + 40) in basket a
At this time, there is only 2 / 5 of basket a in basket B
So (x-40) = 2 / 5 (3 / 4x + 40)
The solution is x = 80
So there are 80 apples in basket B and 60 apples in basket a