A. B is 36km away from the two places. If a and B both go from a to B, B goes 2 hours ahead of a, and a catches up with B after 4 hours; if a and B go from a and B respectively B starts 1.5 hours earlier than a. the two meet 3 hours after a starts. How many km do a and B walk each hour Let a be XKM per hour and B YKM per hour Brace form: {x.y.} {x.y.}

A. B is 36km away from the two places. If a and B both go from a to B, B goes 2 hours ahead of a, and a catches up with B after 4 hours; if a and B go from a and B respectively B starts 1.5 hours earlier than a. the two meet 3 hours after a starts. How many km do a and B walk each hour Let a be XKM per hour and B YKM per hour Brace form: {x.y.} {x.y.}

Let a be XKM per hour and B YKM per hour

It is known that a and B travel from two places 36km apart and meet in four fifths of an hour; if a walks two-thirds of an hour ahead of B,
Then B will meet a two-thirds of an hour after departure. Ask for the speed of a and B. find the quadratic equation

Let a be x km / h and B be y km / h
The simplified equations are as follows
The result of subtracting the two formulas is as follows:
Therefore, the speed of a is 9 km / h and that of B is 36 km / h

Party A and Party B are facing each other from a and B, which are 36 kilometers apart. When Party A starts from a and arrives at 1 kilometer, he finds something left in place a, and immediately returns. After taking things, he immediately moves from a to B, so that they meet at the midpoint of ab. it is known that Party A walks 0.5 kilometers more per hour than Party B. what are their respective speeds?

Let B's speed be XKM / h, then a's speed is (x + 0.5) km / h. from the question meaning: 18 + 2x + 0.5 = 18x, the solution is: x = 4.5, x = 4.5 is the solution of the original equation, 4.5 + 0.5 = 5, answer: B's speed is 4.5km/h, then a's speed is 5km / h

At 8:00 a.m., a and B are facing each other at the same time. The distance between a and B is 36 kilometers at 10:00 a.m., and they continue to move forward. At 12:00 a.m., they are 36 kilometers apart. It is known that a walks 2 kilometers more than B every hour, so as to find the distance between a and B

Suppose a and B are XKM apart and B travels YKM per hour, then a Travels (y + 2) km per hour. According to the meaning of the question, we get 2 (y + y + 2) = x-364 (y + y + 2) = x + 36. Solving the equations, we get x = 108y = 17. A: the distance between a and B is 108km