An express train and a local train run in opposite directions. The length of the express train is 280 meters, and that of the local train is 385 meters. The time for people sitting on the express train to see the local train passing is 11 seconds, so the time for people sitting on the local train to see the express train passing is 11 seconds______ Seconds

An express train and a local train run in opposite directions. The length of the express train is 280 meters, and that of the local train is 385 meters. The time for people sitting on the express train to see the local train passing is 11 seconds, so the time for people sitting on the local train to see the express train passing is 11 seconds______ Seconds

The relative speed of the two trains is: 385 △ 11 = 35 (M / s); the time for people on the slow train to see the fast train passing is: 280 △ 35 = 8 (s)

The fast train is 150 meters long and the slow train is 260 meters long. The fast train is 9 kilometers faster than the slow train per hour. It takes 10 seconds for the two trains to meet and leave each other
Lie equation

Let the slow train speed be x and the fast train speed be x + 9
The express speed is 69.3 + 9 = 78.3km/h

Two trains run on parallel tracks. The length of the express train is 100m and that of the local train is 150m. When the two trains run in opposite directions, it takes 5 minutes for the express train to pass a window of the local train. It is known that the express train runs 3 meters more per second than the local train. (1) calculate the speed of the two trains. (2) calculate the time for the local train to pass a window of the local train

(1) If the slow speed is a, the fast speed is (a + 3)
It takes 5 seconds for the fast train to pass a window of the local train, and the solution is (a + A + 3) * 5 = 100, a = 8.5,
Then the slow speed is 8.5m/s and the fast speed is 11.3m/s
(2) t=150/(8.5+11.5)=7.5m/s
The time for the slow train to pass a window of the fast train is 7.5m/s

The two trains are 144 meters long and 180 meters long respectively, and the speed is 19.2 M / s and 16 m / s respectively. If the two trains lead to the departure at the same time, how long does it take for the express train to surpass the local train from the departure? If the two trains are facing each other at the same time, how long does it take from the meeting to the complete departure

The first question: when the two heads are in the same position, the fast train will travel 3.2 meters more than the local train every second (regardless of acceleration time). When the fast train exceeds the local train 144 meters and exceeds the local train 144 meters, then 144 / 3.2 = 45 seconds