What are the characteristics and differences of average, median and mode

What are the characteristics and differences of average, median and mode

If there is a very large number or a very small number in a group of data, the median is generally used. A group of data is more (more than 20), the range is more concentrated, the mode is generally used, and the rest is generally the average. 1. Connection and difference: 1. The average is obtained through calculation, so it is

Why is the median smaller than the average?

For example, for a group of data: 1,2,3,4,5, easy to get median = average = 3, median can also be larger than the average, for example, for a group of data: 1,2,10,11,12, median = 10, average = 36 / 5 = 7.2, so median > average

1. The average score of the first 20 students is 10 points higher than that of the last 30 students. If the average score of the last 30 students is a, the average score of the whole class should be calculated. Is it right for one student to calculate [a + (a + 10) △ 2]? How to calculate it?
2. A car is delivered from place a to place B. it travels 60 kilometers per hour when it goes there, and 80 kilometers per hour when it returns according to the original road. It takes 3.5 hours to go back and forth, regardless of the stay time

1. (20×10+50a)÷50=a+4
2. Set the distance X between a and B
(x / 60) + (x / 80) = 3.5
Double 240 4x + 3x = 840